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Jeonghan was the first to wake up
he went downstairs to found Mrs Choi

"Good Morning, Mrs Choi" Jeonghan said sitting across her
"Dear you can call me mom"
"Ok, mom"
No one said anything more
"Jeonghan?" Jeonghan looks at Mrs Choi "Yes mom"
Mrs Choi reached out for Jeonghan's hands and held them
"Thank you" "what for?" Mrs Choi sighed "Thank you for staying beside Seungcheol" "what do you mean?"
"Seungcheol,well he is sick"  "Sick?"
"Yes, my dear Seungcheol's diagnosed with personality disorder causing him to act out" "oh" is all Jeonghan could say.


Seungcheol and Jeonghan want back home

Seungcheol dragged Jeonghan to his room
Seungcheol hugged snuggling his face in Jeonghan's neck
"You smell good" Seungcheol whisper
Jeonghan stood there letting Seungcheol hug him

Seungcheol POV

Jeonghan my doll

We were laying on my bed cuddling

"S-seungcheol I can use the bathroom?"
"Of course baby you don't have to ask"
I let him out of my grip.
He came back
"Jeonghan, where is the ring and necklace I gifted you?" I walk towards him
"S-seungcheol I-"


Jeonghan held his slapped cheek
Seungcheol slapped him so hard cause him to fall

"Where is it?"
He quiet very bad jeonghan I will not allow you not ignore me

I went towards the cupboard near the bed and took out my black whip

I went towards the cupboard near the bed and took out my black whip

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I went towards jeonghan

"No no please" I bend down to jeonghan level and caress his face
"I'm sorry my love but punishment must be given" "seung-" before jeonghan could finish, I raised the whip.

End of SeungCheol POV

Downstairs all the maids could hear screaming.

Back in Seungcheol's room

Jeonghan was laying on the floor looking lifeless the whip marks visible on his arms his clothes looking torn

Seungcheol sitting on the bed looking at jeonghan with no emotion on his face.
He definitely did jeonghan, Seungcheol lost the count of whips at 20.

Seungcheol stood up and sat near jeonghan and made him sit on his lap hugging jeonghan

"I'm sorry love" Seungcheol said whispering in jeonghan ear

Jeonghan could think straight all he thought about was what Mrs Choi said
'Seungcheol's diagnosed with personality disorder'
His body was hurting like hell.

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