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Seungcheol and Seokmin made their way to their rooms
Seokmin walked in
Found Jisoo on his phone
He switched the lights on

"Hyung why are still awake this time?"
Seokmin sat next Jisoo
Jisoo sat up
"I was waiting for you"

Seokmin glances at the clock hanged on the wall

"Really? It's 4h13a.m , tell me what's wrong?"
There was something keeping Jisoo awake
Jisoo sighs
"I don't know, everything seems fast you know, it was just you and me
now it's you,me and the babies"

Seokmin felt sad he didn't know Jisoo was feeling that way

"But it's nice knowing we are going to have a family"

"Wait I'll go change"
Seokmin went to the bathroom and changed into his pajamas and went back to Jisoo switching off the lights as they cuddle to sleep
Jeonghan woke up heading to the bathroom
After doing his business
He stood infront of the mirror smiling to himself

'I'm carry his child' is all he thought
He lifts up his shirt
"Damn it"
Jeonghan looks at his nipples through the mirror
"Hannie" called out Seungcheol opening the door
Jeonghan turned around dropping his shirt down
Seungcheol gestured Jeonghan to come to him
"Baby why are you up this early?"

Jeonghan blushed as Seungcheol was caressing his cheek with one hand to make matters worse his raspy voice and his bed hair made him look so sexy right now

"Needed to use the bathroom"

Jeonghan looked down playing with his hands

"Is there something on the floor better to look at than me?"
Seungcheol asked walking past Jeonghan grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste brushing his teeth
Jeonghan shook his head

"Let's shower together"
Seungcheol said after he was done brushing his teeth
"But cheollie-"
Seungcheol knew what Jeonghan was going to say
"A safe shower nothing more"

Seungcheol and Jeonghan took a shower together 'a safe one'
Got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast
Jisoo ran to Jeonghan stopped and cutely waved his hand infront Jeonghan and hugged him
"Good Morning Jisoo"
"Good Morning Hannie"

"Morning father of my brother's kid"
Jisoo greeted Seungcheol bitterly

"We're fine now" Jeonghan whispered to Jisoo
"Good Morning Seungcheol" Jisoo greeted cheerly
"Morning Jisoo"

Jisoo grabbed Jeonghan's hand bragging him to the dining table

They sat next to each other

"Morning Seungcheol"
"Morning Jeonghan hyung"
Greeted the youngest among the three

"Good Morning seokmin"

They took there sits looking at Seungcheol waiting for him to greet his brother back

"What?" asked the clueless Seungcheol
"Seokmin greeted you"

"Hold on wait a minute, why does Seokmin address you two as hyung and me by my name?"

"Oh Just because"
Seokmin said

"Just because what?"

"Seungcheol I'm hungry and I'm sure Jisoo and Jeonghan hyung are hungry too"

Seungcheol rolled his eyes

"Can we go visit Mom and Dad today?"
Seungcheol hummed
After breakfast Seungcheol and Seokmin left for work

Jeonghan and Jisoo were in the garden sitting on the grass

"Did you tell Seungcheol?"
Jisoo ate another spoon of the ice-cream they were eating

"Tell him what?" 
Jeonghan looked up from his phone

"The snooping in his office and room"

"Oh that,not yet but I will maybe today"


Jeonghan turned around facing the maid

"There a delivery man looking for you and Jisoo-shi"
"We'll be there"

"Yay, our orders finally came"
Jisoo ran outside to the 2 trucks parked outside

"Sir please sign this"
The delivery man handed Jeonghan a paper on a clipboard to sign

"Thank you"
The delivery man bowed
They loaded the boxes in the mansion

The door bell dinged

Jeonghan and Jisoo looked at the door
"Are you going to open it?" asked Jisoo
"Why me?" Jeonghan points to himself
"Because I'm younger now go"
Jeonghan stood mumbling cursed words

He opened the door
"Hello sir , I'm Mr Choi's personal driver"
Jeonghan rised his eyebrow

"But I've never seen you before"

The driver looked nervous
"I'm new"

"We're visiting Mom and Dad today can you drop us , we want to be early"

"Sure sir I'll get the car ready"

Jeonghan walked back inside
"Ji go get ready"
"Why?" Jisoo whines

"I really hate you sometimes Hannie"
"I love you too Ji"

Jeonghan and Jisoo were downstairs after getting themselves ready

Jeonghan wore a plain white biggie shirt and comfortable white sweat pants

Jisoo wore a white shirt underneath a black and white cardigan and blue cargo jeans

"Hannie be like me , fashionable classy and elegant" Jisoo said referring to his outfit

"Whatever let's go I already texted cheollie we're leaving"

The went outside
"Ready sir's?"
Jeonghan nodded , the driver opened the door from them

He waited outside and gave thumbs up to someone.

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