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With jisoo and seokmin

Jeonghan was worried for nothing

Both jisoo and seokmin were just having dinner in a fancy restaurant

Seokmin POV

Dinner with jisoo is nice but I was hoping for more you know like we could go to a club or something but I guess I have to wait for next time
Now thinking about it I'm were with jisoo and brother he-

"Seokmin what are you thinking about?" I snap out of my thoughts jisoo looks so innocent
"Nothing jisoo"

After we were done eating we went out for a walk while holding hands
I feel really bad for jisoo's brother
I have known Seungcheol since I was 10 all I can say is his a fucking psycho

The first day I was adopted by the CHOI's I felt happy being out of that orphanage , and my new family are nice people, Seungcheol was always the older brother I wanted he would always defend me from bullys in high school

He was the best brother

But that changed when he turned 17 and I was 15, that was the first time I saw the real Choi SeungCheol
We were playing games in my room I always knew that he was competitive person , but he was still my brother so I never thought he would do anything to harm me
When he lost the fighting match we were playing
He dropped the controller grabbed me by my throat and started strangling me
I thought this was the end for me but in the neck of time our mother barged in the room and took a hold of SeungCheol and hugged him
I fell down to the floor as dad also walked in the room and came to me
Seungcheol and mom left as he was sending me death glares

Dad helped me to stand as we walked to the bed and sat down
"Seokmin dear" dad said hold my hands as he looked at me
"I'm sorry for what Seungcheol did I promise he didn't do it on purpose"
Really are you fucking kidding me that fucker almost killed me and you're telling me that he didn't do it on purpose bullshit , Is what I would say "than what is it?" I ask

"Seungcheol is just sick he'll be ok in no time"
Sick? Hell no he ain't just sick that bitch could have killed me , is what I would say
"Your mother and l are leaving for a business trip"
The fuck you're leaving me with a fucking psycho , bitch no not today it's either I leave this house or you're sending that fucking psycho to a fucking mental asylum

"Don't worry Seungcheol we will be sending him to a mental asylum"

So ever seen than Seungcheol has been in a mental asylum 5 years straight
I mean I felt be for him but I care for my brother and I want the best for him which was sending him to a fucking mental asylum

And If I'm being honest I don't think it helped him at all

But for now let's Focus on the present and that present is jisoo and I

I guess we have to spend a night in a hotel

End of seokmin POV

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