
774 31 10

It was early in the morning

Jeonghan got ready to leave
He knew seokmin would not wake up early because of all the loud noise he was hearing

He took a taxi to the location
He entered the building and went to the reception
"Morning" he greeted
"Morning sir , how may I help" receptionist greeted and asked
"I.....um....Well I'm looking for Seungcheol, Choi Seungcheol"
"Choi Seungcheol"
The receptionist said checking the system on the computer
"Yes Mr Choi Seungcheol"
"Can you please tell me his ward number please" the receptionist found it suspicious
"And how are you related to Mr Choi?"
Jeonghan become more nervous he knew they would ask that specific question
"Boyfriend" he said after thinking it through
After filling out the formalities
One of the nurse lead jeonghan to Seungcheol's ward
They entered the room "what the fuck is this" jeonghan mumbled
"Here" the nurse handed him the access card
Jeonghan bowed as the nurse left

He walk to the 'glass box' swiped the access card
Jeonghan flinched as it dinged when he opened the glass door
He stepped in walking towards the bed
Jeonghan frowned seeing his photo on the nightstand
He sat on the bed looking at the sleeping Seungcheol
He was a bit hesitate to wake him up
Jeonghan mentally encouraging himself to wake Seungcheol up

He shook him
Jeonghan shook him more
"Wake up Seungcheol"

Jeonghan felt inpatient, he missed Seungcheol he wanted Seungcheol to talk to him

Seungcheol slowly opened his eyes before shutting them because of the bright light

"Wake up Seungcheol"
"Jeonghan" Seungcheol murmured his eyes opened and quickly sat up seeing jeonghan he felt his heart rising his love , his jeonghannie came to see him
"No no no" Seungcheol said holding his hands to his head "this can't be my jeonghannie this must be a dream"
Jeonghan needed to think fast to prove to Seungcheol it is not a dream but reality

He cupped Seungcheol cheeks and give him a long peck on the lips before pulling out

"See you aren't dreaming"
Seungcheol suddenly hugged jeonghan
"I missed you " he whisper in jeonghan ear


Seokmin groans grabbing his phone
Who call others early in the morning



"Morning sir ,
this is Dr kim Minji speaking "


"Can you bring
Jisoo-shi for
an appointment"


"Yes , I'll be available
around 5h30"

"Well do"

"Ok sir , have a nice day"

End of OTP

Sighed seokmin , he was to tired to get out of bed
Jisoo snuggled himself closer to seokmin
"Who was that?" "Doctor"
Jisoo sat up looking at clothes scattered in the room

After all it was a wild night
Seokmin decided not to go to work today , he called up the asylum

After calling them up
He found out that somebody went to see Seungcheol and that somebody is jeonghan
He head no idea how jeonghan found out.

ㅡㅡㅡㅡ (10pm)

Jeonghan spend his whole day at the asylum with Seungcheol, being in Seungcheol's presence brings comfort him , to the point he forgot what Seungcheol did to him

Seungcheol and Jeonghan were lying on the bed cuddled up
With jeonghan being the little spoon

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