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A beautiful morning

Jeonghan made his way to his bedroom limping.

(they didn’t do anything it from the beating in chapter 12)

Jeonghan POV

Shit, from all people why me
Seungcheol scaring me first his
nice,clingy and cute all of a sudden his angry fuming and it scares me

I sit on the bed hoping he will not come looking for me
My phone starts ringing....'jisoo'

OTP with jisoo

"Hi hannie"

"Hi ji , what's up?"


"That 'nothing' sound
like something"

"Ok fine, you caught me I have something to tell you"

"I'm all ears"

"Ok well I"


"I slept with seokmin"

(No one said everything jisoo was slowly freaking out)

"Jisoo did he force you?"


"Did seokmin force
himself on you?"

(Jeonghan hoping what happened to him didn't happen to jisoo)

"Oh my God! Jeonghan
why would you say that?"

"Yes or no jisoo"



"Hannie is
something wrong?"

"No I'm just worried"

"No need to be
worried I'm fine"

"So how was it?"

"How was what"

"Don't play dumb Ji
You know , you and seokmin"

"Oh yeah , all I can say
is that was amazing"

"You really enjoyed huh"

"Duh , seokmin so
gentle and he-"

"Ok stop I don't need
farther details"

"Well your loss
Hannie are you okay?"


"Well I mean hello Your
younger brother lost his virginity first then
his older brother
So you must
be feeling really bad right?"

(Jeonghan chuckled
Jisoo was wrong he lost his virginity first then jisoo)

"I guess you are right"

"Come on jeonghan
We live in a fucking mansion with two smoking hot dudes"

"Your point?"

"My point is you
and Seungcheol can hit it off"

"I don't think so ,
SeungCheol's not my type"

"Oh come on
I know you want him
to bang you on the kitchen counter"

"Is that one of your
sex fantasies with seokmin?"

"um maybe"

"Your sick"

"Well you can't blame me"

"No , no I can't can I"

"I need ideas"

"What ideas?"

"After my first night with seokmin
I was hoping for more"


"So I need ideas"

"um showering together"

"What's so nice
about that?"

"Things well get heat"

"Oh i like the sound of that"

"Wow I never thought of my brother as a fucking bottom"

"Oh shut it your a bottom too"

"Well fuck that
Anyways I have to go"

"Ok , don't forget to
ask Seungcheol to bang you"

"Bye love you"

"Love you hannie"

End of OTP with jisoo

End of jeonghan POV

To be continued

Zoyabanuthank you for
You really brought a smile on my face while writing this chapter
Thank so much💜🤗

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