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Chen felt his adrenaline rise , it felt like his heart was about to stop
"Are you still there Zheyuan?" The speaker on the phone asked
"Dongmin where are they now?"
"Dongsan medical center" "Thanks"

Chen cut the call, leaving his motel room, his head spinning with all the information Dongmin told him, he got into a taxi

"Excuse me ,where two pregnant males admitted in this center?" Chen asked the receptionist

"Yes sir , two ambulance arrived just minutes ago with two pregnant males they seem to be in a critical condition"

"Where are they now?"
"Operation theatre"

Chen did waste any more time and ran to find the operation room

He stopped infront of a big door written 'OPERATION THEATRE'
Suddenly 3 nurses came out of the room


"Are the babies okay doctor?"

"Yes , but they're premature , we need to keep them under observation and both patients have to recover" said the doctor "thanks"
Chen enters the ward assigned to both Jeonghan and Jisoo

"Channie" a whispers came out
Chen was face-to-face with an unconscious Jisoo , he settle himself on a chair next to the bed

Jisoo weakly smiles "Hannie?"
"Jeonghan's fine"
He roams his hands around his now flat stomach , panic visible on his face
"Don't worry babycheeks, the babies are fine , prematured but fine."

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