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Chen looked up from his phone "hm?"
"Can I ask you something?" "Sure"

"Is there a reason we got kidnapped?"
"Something related to business"
"Oh okay"

Another question pops up in Jeonghan's mind

"were they going to take us back home?"
"Princess , have you ever seen a kidnapped hostage go home freely?"
Jeonghan shook his head "no"

"Of course not, you are going to be sold for prostitution or human trafficking something like that"
"But why?"

Chen stood up and sat beside Jeonghan and hugged him

Jeonghan allows himself to be hugged by Chen
"It's okay princess , I'm here for you" Jeonghan sniffles
"Seungcheol , I want Seungcheol please bring him to me" his voice cracks as he speaks , Chen didn't say anymore and rubbed Jeonghan's back

"Yah!, a hug without me , no fair"
"Aw, come here babycheeks"
Chen opens his free arm for Jisoo

Jisoo snuggles himself closer to Chen placing his head on Chen's shoulder

"I miss home and seokie too , will you take us home Chennie?"
"Of course babycheeks , but for now we need to stay low" "should we go out for dinner?" Chen asked
"Didn't you say something about staying low?"
"We'll get samgyeopsal"
"Please hannie , I want samgyeopsal" Jisoo begged Jeonghan
"Fine, but I want seeweed soup and soju" states Jeonghan
"Seeweed soup but no soju , it's not healthy to drink alcohol during pregnancy" Jeonghan pouts
ㅡ (8:52pm)
"Hannie, is Chennie back yet?" "No"

Jeonghan and Jisoo were alone in the apartment, suddenly the main door bursts open revealing a panicked Chen
Jisoo walks up to him
"Chennie you're-" Jisoo was cutt off when Chen grabbed his hands
Chen also takes a hold of Jeonghan's hand, Dragging them out of the apartment, stopping infront of a car

Opening the passenger door for Jisoo
"Babycheeks, get in" Jisoo glancesat Jeonghan "okay" he gets inside the car
Chen closes the door, and turns to Jeonghan
"I need you and babycheeks , to drive out of daegu , just get somewhere safe don't true anybody" Chen hands his car keys to Jeonghan
"But Chen is there something wrong?"

Chen didn't have time to explain they were coming and he needs to act fast

"I'll be back for you"
Chen leads Jeonghan to the driver side and opens the door for him
"Bye Chennie" "bye"
Chen stood outside till the car was out of site

"Hannie do you know why Chennie wants us to go?" "No"
During the ride Jisoo keep rumbling to Jeonghan pretty much talking to himself as Jeonghan was way to concentrated on driving

"Hannie did you notice there's a car following us?"

Jeonghan takes a look at the car's side mirror, the adrenaline shooting up
A black SUV with tinted windows has been following them

Jeonghan tries to speed up
Reaching a 4-way stop , he had to stop eventually


The blinding lights, the loud honk of a truck.

Everything was to fast , he couldn't process, what was happening
Holding his 8months baby bump , wishing nothing happens to his babies.

Was the world upside down or was he the one upside down.

The last thing Jisoo saw before closing his eyes was Jeonghan's already closed eyes, blood dripping from his older brother's forehead and the voices of people.

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