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I hope there's no problem with males breastfeeding


"Hi cheollie"

Jeonghan entered the hospital room

"Hi baby"

Seungcheol sat up

"I got you food"
Jeonghan serves Seungcheol
"Have you eaten?" Jeonghan nodded

"Seungcheollie, can I please have your credit card? "
"It's at home in the room you'll find it the password is 1004"

Jeonghan felt his cheeks heat up tinted pink

Jeonghan and Jisoo had dinner and we're sitting in the living room waiting for Seokmin

Jisoo had seokmin's ipad and his credit card some goes to jeonghan
Both online shopping

"I'm home"
Jisoo immediately stood up upon hearing seokmin's voice

"Hello seokmin" Jeonghan said not even facing him as his eyes were still on the ipad

" aren't you going to greet me baby"
Jeonghan looked up a smile creeped  on his face "Cheollie"

Jeonghan and Jisoo continued online shopping but in their respective rooms

Seokmin was rubbing baby oil on Jisoo's belly
"Do it properly seokie" Jisoo said in a ordering tone
Jeonghan and Jisoo got ready
Seungcheol and Seokmin picked them up from home but in different cars heading to the hospital

"Appointment for Hong Jeonghan and Hong Jisoo"
"Take a sit sir , I'll inform Dr kim"

They waited for a while before the Doctor came out

"Hong Jeonghan , you can come along if you want"

She said referring to Seokmin and Jisoo

They all followed inside

"Ok , lay down on the bed Mr Hong"

Jeonghan laid down. , Dr Minji pulls up his shirt "the gel is cold" she warned and started applying the gel on jeonghan's belly
Jeonghan kept a firm grip on Seungcheol's hands
The doctor take the transducer

 , Dr Minji pulls up his shirt "the gel is cold" she warned and started applying the gel on jeonghan's belly Jeonghan kept a firm grip on Seungcheol's hands The doctor take the transducer

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Running it through jeonghan's 6month belly

"There look" the doctor points at a little TV screen "it's a girl" said Dr kim
Jeonghan felt happy but also sad he really wanted twins but that won't ruin his happiness

Next was Jisoo The doctor applied the gel and cleaned the transducer to use it on Jisoo gasps looking at the screen"Seokie we're having twins"Jisoo was over the moon , excited his going to have twins He looks at Jeonghan who smiles returning a smi...

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Next was Jisoo
The doctor applied the gel and cleaned the transducer to use it on Jisoo gasps looking at the screen
"Seokie we're having twins"
Jisoo was over the moon , excited his going to have twins
He looks at Jeonghan who smiles returning a smile back
"It's a boy and a girl" said Dr kim

Next was Jisoo The doctor applied the gel and cleaned the transducer to use it on Jisoo gasps looking at the screen"Seokie we're having twins"Jisoo was over the moon , excited his going to have twins He looks at Jeonghan who smiles returning a smi...

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The doctor was sitting on her chair in her office opposite her was the two pregnant males with their lovers standing behind their chair

"The babies will start kicking soon"
They nodded understanding

"And you might experience sensitive on your-"
Dr kim stops , her cheeks were red
"On your nipples" she whispers
"Doctor can you please repeat yourself" said Jeonghan

Dr kim clears her throat
"When babies are born they need the mothers milk which is very important
So you will start producing milk , your..um nipple will produce milk so they'll be very sensitive"
They nodded again
They left in their respective cars
Jeonghan and Jisoo got pictures of the ultrasound .

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