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"Hannie where are we going to go it's 3 in the morning"
"I don't know"

Jeonghan and Jisoo stopped walking when they reached a park they sat down on the bench
Jisoo rest his head on Jeonghan's shoulder closing his eye
Jeonghan also closed his eyes sleep engulfing them

Jeonghan felt someone touching his hand as his eyes shot up


There was Chen Zheyuan kneeling infront of Jeonghan and Jisoo holding both there hands

To the sudden outburst Jisoo woke up
"Hannie" Jisoo looks at his hand , a smile founds itself on Jisoo's lips upon seeing Chen "Chennie"

Chen stood up as Jisoo throws himself in Chen's arms hugging him
"We missed you"
"I didn't" Jeonghan say, Chen chuckles

"You escaped, didn't you"
"So what if we did, why does it matter to you?" Jeonghan glares at Chen
"It's not safe out here , I'm sure once Lee finds out it won't be good"
"Are we going to stay with you Chennie?" Jisoo asked excitedly

"No we are not"
Jeonghan grabs Jisoo's arm pulling him behind himself
"Look princess , I know it's hard to trust me but I'm willing to help you and anyways you know I'm not the one who kidnapped you, I was just assigned to take care of you that's it"

Jeonghan sighed "fine"
"Yay let's go Chennie"

They reached the apartment
"Get some rest" said Chen

"How did you find us?" questioned Jeonghan
"I was told they're taking you to daegu , but exactly where in daegu , I guess to my luck I just found you"
"Hannie no more questioning ,I'm tired" whines Jisoo
"Come on babycheeks, I'll show you to your room" Chen placed his hand on the back of Jisoo's back guiding him to the room "the apartment only has 2 bedrooms" "It's fine we'll share" Jeonghan reassured
"Ok get some sleep then, it's late" Chen was about to walk away when "Chen"
Chen turned around facing Jeonghan
"Thank you"
"Your welcome princess Jeonghan" with that Chen walked away

Jeonghan sat on the bed next to the already sleeping Jisoo "I should try calling someone"
It took time for Jeonghan to remember the number he wants to phone
He dials the number after seconds of ringing the person finally picked up

"Who's this?"

Tears glossing in his eyes after hearing the voice


The voice sounded more agitated , Jeonghan wants to say something he wants the person on the other sided of the phone to hear his voice , but he couldn't it felt like at that certain moment his voice was taken away

"Seung-" before him could finish the call cuts , Jeonghan wipes his falling tears away "he hanged up"

ㅡ (11am)

"Hyung why are you up so early?"
"You know it's the first time you addressed me as 'hyung' instead of princess"

Chen sat opposite of Jeonghan on the sofa
"So you prefer me addressing you as princess?"
"No , just saying"
"Is babycheeks still asleep?"
"Yeah he seemed tired"

"I was doing some research on male pregnancy or just pregnancy itself"
Chen said feeling proud of himself for taking time to research on male pregnancy
"So?" Jeonghan said clearly not bothered
"Oh you know , stuff"

"Hannie Chennie"
Jisoo went directly towards Chen and sat down next to him
"Morning Ji" "Morning hannie"

"Are you hungry babycheeks?" Jisoo cutely nodded his head , Chen ran his hand through Jisoo's hair that was sticking out in all directions
"You are so cute" Chen squeezes Jisoo's cheeks cooing at the pregnant male

Jeonghan stares right into Chen's soul , it's not like he hates him , his just annoyed and Chen's annoying

"Have you already eaten princess?"
"Why not?"
"I'm not hungry"
"But I'm sure the baby must be hungry , are you craving for something to eat"
"Me me , I want Pancakes with Nutella filling Chennie"

"Here's your breakfast babycheeks and princess Jeonghan" Chen handed them a plate of 3 Pancakes each
"Thank you Chennie"

It's afternoon
Jisoo fall asleep after finishing his yoga with Jeonghan

Jeonghan and Chen were in the sitting room
Chen on his phone and Jeonghan spacing out so many thoughts running through his mind , questions he needs answers too , the only person he can get answers from is Chen.

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