Chapter 2: To Ash

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Edit 06-24-23: Fixed a minor mistake at the beginning that copied a paragraph (I was tired :/)




Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia and Dark Souls, both belongs to their respective owners, Kohei Horikoshi and FromSoftware respectively (Miyazaki, where the Elden Ring DLC?)




Eyes squinting in the dark, his eyes adjusted in the dimly lit room, the grave chill of the terrifying atmosphere snaking its way into his core.

The smell of rot and decay filled his nose, eyes scrunching at the scent and mouth puckering as if he could taste the rot, but ignored it in favor of finally getting out of this hellhole.

The earth rumbled as he took his first steps into the dark and damp hallway, the only sources of light hung on the walls by scones and glowing symbols written on the floors.

He looked at them for a brief moment, only for his eyes to widen at the sight.

"I can... read them...?" He muttered to himself, arms still pushing against the wall due to his lethargy. "Kill... Kill...? Kill hollows... Gather their souls... Become stronger..."

A pit formed within his gut, mouth slightly agape at the underlying implication of what the written symbols meant. And as if further proving the point, a few meters northwest laid a seemingly shriveled up husk of a human rocking back and forth as it sat against a wall, gibberish mutterings coming out from its incredibly dry mouth.

'No... I... I can't...' He trembled. Even if he didn't know what a hollow meant, or what it looked like, in his subconscious, he knew what they were. He wanted to be a hero, not some kind of killer. But even then, he felt something... something of a sixth sense warning him that not doing so would be detrimental in the future. "No... I won't... I won't kill..."

Vigor renewed, he paced forward at a snail's pace, his arms still supporting his weight by extending against the wall. A rusty cell door barred shut on his right made his slow gait pause. Within the confines of the claustrophobic room, a single one of the hollows stood on his knees as it scribbled on the walls.

He felt his eyes shake at the sight. That could've been him if he was subjected to even more time of isolation. Shaking his head at the grim thoughts, he pushed forward.

It was only a few more steps until his newfound resolve shook as he gazed between the rusty bars acting as a window to another giant room.

It was filled with rotting meat, pools of blood staining the ground as waves rippled on endlessly due to the rumbling the ground. Eyes widened with pupils turning into pinpricks, he stared at the giant figure aimlessly roaming the halls.

It was a massive, grotesque creature with charred and decaying flesh. It sported large horns on his head and wielded a massive stone hammer.

He gulped, already looking back at the hollow rocking back and forth on the ground. Facing towards the other end of the corridor showed him some more hollows near the wall aimlessly shuffling about, their dead eyes striking a resonating chord within his soul.

'No... I can't... can't be discouraged... I need to go home... go home... to mom...' With gritted teeth, he continued onwards, shoving the thought of the giant monster to the back of his head in favor of getting out of this hellhole.

A set of stairs was his next obstacle. Feeling the dull pain in his legs and entire body, he breathed out a pained sigh and lifted his leg onto the first step.

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