Chapter 21: Remember

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Edit 26/04/2024: Fixed an inconsistency about Solaire. Thanks for letting me know TheGreatBubbaJ!




"I'm home!"

Izuku's voice echoed through the apartment as he slowly took off his shoes at the entrance.

"Welcome back, Izuku." Inko's reply was heard coming from the kitchen followed by sizzling sounds and wonderful, mouth-watering aroma. "Dinner's almost ready!"

"Thanks, mom!" Izuku smiled while walking to the dining/living room, his shoes neatly tucked into its corresponding rack just by the front door.

Today was a good day, albeit a weird one. Was it weirder than back in Lordran? Hell no, but was it weird for modern day standards? His classmates seemed to say so, so Izuku can't help but agree with them.

Not like he knew what the standards were in this time. He still needed to catch up on his studies the RAT GOD sent him.

Aside from that, Izuku thought back to the classes that happened after Nezu's impromptu orientation. It wasn't anything mind-boggling. Just a few things to set up for the school year, some house rules for each class, and a bit of introduction from each of the students, as well as the teachers.

It was quite funny when Izuku revealed that he could act as a punching bag if his classmates wished to do so. It was even funnier when he said he was okay with being maimed and gored, not like he cared much of being in pain.

The horrified looks of his classmates and teachers, however, said otherwise. In fact, one of them actually recommended him to take some therapy from Hound Dog, their guidance counselor.

It was good being a troll sometimes. Better make sure Patches has what's coming to him. Kick him off a cliff, will he? Izuku will return that back tenfold and kick him off a skyscraper.

Shaking his head from the amusing memories, Izuku pulled back a chair and gingerly plopped his bony ass onto the soft cushion-y seat. If there was one thing his mother knew to buy for their comfort, they were chairs. Rope in some beds and even pillows and voila, instant fluffy fortress.

Actually, now that he thought of it, he wanted to see how Sen's Fortress would look like if every deadly trap there was replaced with soft foam and cushions. Maybe then he could finally, without much of a doubt, call the damned deathtrap Sen's Funhouse.

Stupid pendulum traps, throwing him off to the bottom with a bunch of tar - at least, Izuku thought it was tar - and Titanite demons.

Also, fat rolling, can't forget the fat rolling, even if Izuku was somewhat confused why he even thought of rolling through the tar like a lunatic on mushrooms.

Humming a tune, the type where normal people can't make heads or tails of the harmony, Izuku briefly reminisced his time in Lordran. The good times like talking with those who he considered friends, and the bad times where he killed those friends because they went mad or hollow.

Sighing, his hums dying down like a rat caught in a trap, Izuku leaned his head on the chair's backrest, eyes staring directly into the light of the bulb hanging overhead.

"Ah, Izuku, here." His mother's voice brought Izuku out of his reverie. Eyeing the bowl she had with her, Izuku gave his mother a lopsided grin as the mature woman set down the bowl on the table with a smile. "Here, eat up! Be careful, though. It's hot."

"Okay!" Izuku eagerly grinned and wolfed down the entire contents of the bowl, leaving a somewhat stupefied Inko. The food was just fresh from the stove, and here her son was, shoving the food down his gullet like a man possessed.

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