Chapter 33: Morning Blues, Evening Hues

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The election done and behind them, both class 1-A and 1-B went back to their classrooms. There wasn't that much interaction between the two classes after the election. Just awkward silence and stare-offs going on in the background.

When Nezu arrived, it was to shoo them back into their classrooms, but not before he glared once more at Shota and Sekijiro with his beady eyes.

At least it was a bit funny watching the two normally unflappable, at least in Shota's case, teachers trembling like newborn fawns. By Gwyn, their knees looked like it could produce an earthquake due to how they trembled.

That said, the two classes didn't want to be on Nezu's bad side, so without much prompting from the principal or their teachers, both classes stood up in one beat before heading to the doors in an orderly fashion.

The blond teen who Itsuka glared at before wanted to cause a commotion about why 1-A was the first to leave the room but was promptly knocked out with a giant fist that conked him into next week. A quick look at where she was averting her gaze told Izuku much about why she did that with shaky eyes.

Nezu's really bringing out the best in teens today. Kind of sad that it wasn't him... Maybe Patches was rubbing off on him... Nah, he's sure he just liked messing with his classmates.

And that led to what was happening now, with Izuku and Momo tasked with heading to a room where they would meet with their fellow hero class representatives.

"Oh, hey. Yaoyorozu and Midoriya, right?" A voice called them from behind. Turning to look, they spotted the ginger, Itsuka, waving at them with a bright smile on her face, followed by Nirengeki, her vice-rep. "So, I guess we're meeting with our seniors?"

"From what I've gathered, yes." Momo, the intellectual of the class by leagues, nodded with a slight smirk. "As for who our seniors will be, I'm afraid I've only gone through the second-year class 2-A. Fuwa Mawata is their class rep, while her vice-rep is Yamamoto Isao."

"Wow, didn't think you'd be scouting our seniors this early." Itsuka had tiny frown on her lips. "And how about you, class rep? Anything on your mind?"

"I'm still wondering why they elected me as class rep." Izuku furrowed his brows while tapping beneath his chin. Really, he could just not get over the fact that he was now responsible... Well, not responsible per se, but accountable for any of the shit his class may get into. "I'm not cut out for this."

"Midoriya, please stop putting yourself down just because you think you are unsuitable for the position." Momo sighed as she tried to once more to placate his worries. He should know, they did this a few times during the periods between classes. "Our class trusts you with the position, and from my observations, you truly deserve to lead our class."

Oh, if she just knew what happened back in Lordran. It may have been a long time ago, but memories still remain. The raw emotion that flooded his inner being when he saw Siegmeyer unmoving on the ground with his daughter grieving beside him... It just does things to an already broken man.

"Whatever you say." For now, Izuku waved it off. He could worry about being responsible for more deaths later down the line if it did happen.

With the chatter dying down, the four of them quietly made their way to their meeting spot, passing by other students all the while. It didn't take long before they found themselves in front of the door where the other class representatives from higher years waited.

"Ladies first." Izuku, being the gentleman(not) that he was, motioned for the door while he stepped aside. An eyeroll from Momo was the response, but seeing that her class rep was not going to be the first to head in, she sighed and grabbed the doorknob.

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