Chapter 29: Battle Trials (6)

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Katsuki was silent as the four of them continued their way towards the assigned building where they would compete against each other. Beside him, ponytail - Momo - was striding along in her skimpy costume with her chin up and head held high, like a natural born royal.

Behind them, tentacles and diabetes - Mezo and Rikido - were quietly speaking to each other, no doubt trying to come up with a plan to beat him and ponytail. Say what you will about him being indistinguishable from a villain because of his past actions, but there was one habit that he couldn't let go of.

Nicknames based on either quirk or appearance. De-Izuku might've been a major mistake in his short life, but that didn't change him for who he was.

He still wanted to change, though, so no demeaning nicknames, unless they deserve it. Like diapers - Minoru - for instance.

"So, Bakugo, do you have some sort of plan forming in your mind?" Ponytail's voice brought him out of his thoughts and his red irises bore into her own dark ones. "If not, then would you allow me to come up with our own strategy?"

Katsuki pursed his lips for a moment, before nodding. He was smart and knew how to plan for scenarios, that he was sure of, but ponytail looked better than him with strategizing.

Her previous analysis of the other fight was proof enough that she could develop a better plan than he ever could.

In the past, this would've made him froth at the mouth, but after that incident, he's changed for the better. Sure, he was still getting there, but sometimes, even small steps in the right direction are enough.

He may be an irredeemable monster in the eyes of many if they heard what he had done, and he was fine with that, but do not mistake him for being the same person he once was.

Even villains can sometimes turn over a new leaf.

"Very well." Ponytail grinned happily like a child in a candy shop. "But before that, let us exchange information about our quirks and fighting styles."

Katsuki glanced back towards the two other students and saw that they were still preoccupied with whispering to one another. Turning his gaze back to ponytail, he scooted closer to make sure his whispers wouldn't be heard by the two behind them.

"I secrete nitroglycerin sweat around my palms and make them explode." Katsuki glared at his palms, the memories of him using it against Izuku coming unbidden. Shaking them off, he stared back at ponytail.

"I see, so basically, the more you sweat, the powerful your quirk." Ponytail hummed as she placed a finger underneath her chin. "Do you have to suffer recoil whenever you create an explosion?"

"Yes, but let me deal with that." Katsuki growled at the thought of him being unable to control his quirk. He's worked his ass off to become a hero, and no matter what anyone says, his quirk wasn't the only thing that made him who he is now.

"Alright, I'll trust you with that." Momo nodded with a slight smile. "Now, as for my quirk, I call it Creation. To cut a long description short, I can create anything as long as I know the molecular structure of the item I am creating by using my lipids. The larger the item, the longer it takes to make."

Katsuki grunted when he heard the quirk ponytail had. He was kind of grasping at straws the first time he saw what ponytail did during the Quirk Apprehension Test, but now it made sense.

That was one busted quirk. It's a wonder why her ego didn't match his before he got a reality check. Maybe the school she went to was better than that... shithole of a fucking education center.

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