Chapter 16: First Day

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The City of Musutafu lay silent, a blanket of darkness enveloping the towering skyscrapers. The only sound was the distant hum of city life, muffled by the stillness of the night. The glow of streetlights casted long shadows, creating an otherworldly ambiance in the heart of the urban landscape.

As the night went on, light began to shine from the east, the giant ball of flame that combated the darkness for eternity a breath of relief for those that abhor the dark.

Vermin and those that abuse the darkness for their cruel deeds skittered for cover, and in their haste left behind nasty foot trails that tempted a do-gooder to try and chase, for the hunt is their life.

The roars and cries of an industrial civilization boomed and swiveled, the cacophony of noises the signal for those of the day to rise.

It was at this moment, Izuku opened his eyes, sunlight filtering through the blinds. A wide grin stretched across his lips, body quivering in excitement.

"Finally!" Izuku hopped out of bed, not at all perturbed by the lack of his modesty. The reason as to why this is is because of his streaking habits back in Lordran.

How was he supposed to get from point A and point B in the least amount of time? Simple. Get naked and run. Also bring a giant sword or club, that usually helped with the obstacles.

Feet stomping across the room, Izuku swung the door open and rushed for the bathroom, his little Izuku fluttering in the air all the while.

It was this scene that Inko woke up to as she exited her bedroom, eyes wide as she stared at her son's lack of modesty while he zoomed to the bathroom. Shaking her head from her stupor, she headed to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast.

Not like this was the first time she saw her son without his dignity during his teenage years. Their bathroom door needed a change of locks, that's for sure. She wouldn't dare scar her son's eyes with her own birthday suit. That would just be horrendous.

While Inko headed to the kitchen to cook their food, Izuku hummed in the shower as he squirted a mind-boggling amount of shampoo onto his head. Say what you want about Lordran being somewhat good for him, he hated there being no hygiene. By Gwyn he hated being stinky and sticky, much more so after his dives into Blighttown whenever he needed to go there.

Fuck that place.

Scrubbing all over his body, Izuku humming tune went an octave lower, then it went higher with no sense or sign of melody. Such was the state of his mental faculties, a dichotomy of chaos and order, with chaos mostly reigning in his thoughts if left to his own devices.

Once done scrubbing his body down, next were his teeth. Time to make like a cleaner shrimp and fight the assholes called cavity that wanted a piece of his pearly whites.

No way Izuku was gonna give them the privilege of taking one of his beloved tooth. He may lose them all the time back in Lordran, but that was due to fighting and dying, not cavity.

Toothbrush in hand, Izuku got to work brushi- he meant destroying and eradicating the germs in his mouth. Sounds cooler that way instead of saying 'brushing my teeth'.

Once done with his ritual, he wiped himself down with a towel hanging from the wall then wrapped it around himself before heading out and back into his room. As he walked through the short corridor, Izuku smelled something nice from kitchen, his mouth forming into a smile.

'Mom is taking this day seriously.' Izuku chuckled as he predicted the food that was about to be put on the table once he was done changing into his uniform.

Now inside his room, Izuku grabbed the package that was sent to him a day after he received the welcome message from the RAT GOD.

Opening the already unsealed package, Izuku brought out two white collared button shirts, two gray vests with dark green highlights and yellow buttons - one of which being short-sleeved and the other being long-sleeved - and two dark-blue slacks.

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