Chapter 20: Orientation

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Ochako was relieved. Terrified, but relieved.

The scare their homeroom teacher gave them was something that wouldn't be leaving her anytime soon. Hell, she was pretty sure she was traumatized by anything that looked remotely close to shaggy and black.

That was not to say their teacher didn't have a point. In fact, Aizawa had a huge point. The world wasn't fair. It wasn't fair to her family, it wouldn't be fair to her as well.

Here she thought being a hero would be slightly easier, a job that could land her the big bucks if she got started with a bang. Those childish dreams were nothing but ashes now, all thanks to their homeroom teacher.

A tiny glance at their classmate who was nothing but a set of floating clothes, the female uniform variant, was enough to elicit a pang of sympathy for the poor girl.

She was sure if she was the one in her position, she would be fuming and hurling insults at their homeroom teacher mentally. She was still doing it right now as they made their way to their classroom as one big group.

Looking over the rest of her classmates, she saw various expressions on each of their faces. A group was all relieved and having a bit of fun, they consisted of the pink-skinned girl that got Aizawa to throw them a bomb, the redhead who kept on screaming "manly", the electric-themed teen and the invisible girl.

Another group was the white-haired teen that saved her in the Entrance Exam, Izuku Midoriya, if she heard his name correctly, followed by the blue-haired hard ass, the blond who had a face that looked like he sucked on a lemon, the frog girl, and surprisingly, the ravenette who called out Aizawa was lying the entire time.

He didn't sound like it at the time, however.

Frowning, she slowed down, trying to get closer to the group with Izuku. She didn't know why, but for some reason, she kept on gravitating towards him whenever he was around.

Whether it was out of misplaced affection, gratitude for being her savior, or something in between, she still had no clue.

She needed to know, just to settle down the feeling that thumped her heart like a beating drum.


Denki Kaminari considered himself a laid back type of guy. A go with the flow kind of dude. His passions for being a hero just because it was cool was something that drove him to this school, after all.

Boy, was that a huge mistake.

First day in, and teach decided to squeeze them through a gauntlet. His arms were still sore from trying to do so many push-ups within an allotted time. The less said about his trembling legs and aching stomach, the better.

Just looking at the list earlier made his heart drop, and then soar the moment he saw he wasn't last. But he was close.

19th place. 19th fucking place.

Hell, the midget behind him ogling the females in his class placed even higher than him thanks to that side-step exercise. What did he have that was considered hero-worthy?

Nothing, that's what.

A single glimpse of how much stronger his classmates were than he was. He was lucky the entrance exam consisted of fighting robots. Just a single jolt from his quirk and a robot was fried. If it was used against anything other than them? He guessed it wouldn't have been enough to land him a spot in the Hero Course.

Looking at the invisible girl happily chatting to Mina about something girl-related, a pit formed within his stomach.

How good was the girl when she landed on the Hero Course with just an invisibility quirk? No physical enhancements, no kind of ability to even the playing field.

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