Chapter 15: Acceptance

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In just the blink of an eye, a week has passed within the Midoriya household. Izuku mused as he considered the week one of the most peaceful times he had ever gotten in his entire life and unlife, not counting those before he was four, but truthfully, he had already forgotten most of what happened back then.

"367... 368... 369..." Izuku groaned as he continued his self-imposed body conditioning activity. During the week, he had grown somewhat restless, what with him not being used to the relative peace.

He had to do something.

And he came up with this. Physical exercise, the kind that could literally leave people begging in tears for how harsh and brutal it was. Izuku wasn't that perturbed with what he was doing so far. His burning muscles felt quite relaxing, honestly.

His sweat dripped from his face and to the mat underneath, the albino breathing somewhat heavily as he continued pushing himself up and down. After a few more minutes of repetitive push-ups, Izuku stopped then slumped to the ground, a wide grin adorned on his face.

"Feels good..." Izuku focused on his muscles screaming at him due to the abuse they went through, but he ignored it. After all, pain means he's alive, and it also means he can focus on this instead of other things.

Next was curl-ups, and his abdominal muscles shivered with dread. Izuku, however, once again ignored it and went on his merry way to torment his muscle groups with a big smirk on his face.

A knock on the door stopped him, however, his abdominal muscles crying in relief from being spared the torture.

Izuku got up and wiped down his sweat with a towel nearby then headed to the door. Opening it, Izuku saw his mother holding an envelope with his name written on it with big letters.

And when Izuku says big, he literally meant BIG. Seriously, his family name took on the entirety of the envelope's back side, and his given name, the front. There was a U.A. seal too.

'Well, RAT GOD really likes his jokes.' Izuku chuckled as he accepted the letter from his mother, Inko smiling bitterly as she gave it to him. "Thanks mom."

"Will you be opening it alone?" Inko questioned with raised eyebrows. "Or do you want me to sit in?"

"Sure." Izuku smiled as he nudged his mother inside his room, the Midoriya matriarch frowning slightly as she eyed the scars on her son's body.

Inko took a seat on the chair next to his desk where his computer sat showing a paused video about mutant quirks while Izuku sat on his bed, hands ready to unseal the envelope and see the RAT GOD.

With a quick tear, the envelope opened and revealed its contents. A tiny disk.

"Huh?" Izuku sat befuddled. He reached into the envelope and procured the tiny disk, his eyes glinting underneath the light as he continued observing the tiny thing.

It was only when it beeped that he twitched and flung the tiny disk to the floor, body tense and ready in case something awry happens.

The beeping continued and Inko stood back, anxious as to the meaning of the beeps. It was only seconds later when the beeping stopped and a light emanated from the disk, displaying some sort of hologram facing towards Izuku.

"Hello there!" Principal Nezu waved at Izuku, a sly grin formed on his face. "Apologies for the scare, but I've only recorded some of these holographic acceptance videos to U.A. High School a handful of times during my career as the principal of my lovely school. Can't blame an intelligent being for their mischievous streak, right Midoriya Izuku?"

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