Chapter 11: Beatdown

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia and Dark Souls, both belongs to their respective owners, Kohei Horikoshi and FromSoftware respectively.

Important announcement at the end. Please read.




"Well, well, Principal Nezu." A feminine voice cut through the chatter of the room, replacing it with silence. "Despite your... tendencies on one potential student, this year is shaping up to be quite a haul. Quite a lot of students with potential. Momma likey."

"Cease." One of their colleagues chided. "We don't need a sexual assault lawsuit right at the start of the term."

"Oh, you're no fun." You could hear the pout coming from the female. They chatted for a while about the potential of the students that have a possibility of passing, before the rat made a statement.

"Indeed." The rat abomination plopped his paws on the table as he stared at the screen monitoring one Izuku Midoriya as he rampaged through mock-villain after mock-villain. "This is quite a risky investment, as I do believe myself."

"Excuse me, what?" Nezu glanced at the pro heroine who was grasping at straws at what the principal had said. "Risky investment? What do you mean by that, Principal Nezu?"

"Why Midnight, I thought that I made myself clear regarding this one student." Nezu smirked, the image of the principal burned into Midnight's psyche, causing an involuntary shiver.

"Y-you didn't." Midnight's voice cracked slightly.

"... Ah... I believe I forgot to inform all of you about this specific student. Isn't that right, All Might?" Nezu's sudden proclamation put All Might on the spot, his emaciated form tensing slightly.

"What does he mean by that, All Might?" A bombastic pro hero with his neck speakers off asked the slouched form of the number 1 pro hero.

"It is as Principal Nezu says, Present Mic." All Might let out a breath as he leaned forward, eyes never leaving the monitor observing Izuku's every move. "This is a special case, and we've already agreed to accept him, passing score or not."

"... Wut?" Midnight stared at the two with her mouth agape.

"I have to agree with Midnight here." A homeless-looking bum glared at both the rat and All Might. "Isn't this extremely illogical? Won't the HPSC have our hides if they learn about this?"

"Now, now, Eraserhead. No need to be pessimistic about this." Nezu grinned, the sight sending ice crawling through the backs of everybody present. "Trust me, those dogs wouldn't be able to sniff this out. I've made sure of it."

And trust, they did, for the heroes knew Nezu was not to be trifled with. That said, no secret can remain buried forever, so even then, the rat knew he needed to play his cards right.

Or risk a disaster in the future.


"Okay, this is getting boring." Izuku moaned as he tossed a scrap of metal behind his shoulder. Underneath his bare foot, his shoes long torn to pieces by these hunks of junk, a 3-pointer mock-villain laid defeated, formerly giant red eye dimmed to the point it was gray. "Still, there's a lot of you here. I'm no economist, but how much did the RAT GOD spend to get this many mock-villains?"

As Izuku pondered on the thought, the asphalt cracking behind him brought him out of his reverie and he twisted around, just in time to see a mock-villain plummet down from the heavens and crash down to the ground.

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