Chapter 12: Recovery

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia and Dark Souls, both belongs to their respective owners, Kohei Horikoshi and FromSoftware respectively.




Izuku breathed in the air, his chest heaving up and down as he laid back on a surprisingly intact wall of a demolished building. Slabs of concrete dotted the landscape, some of which emitting smoke due to the acid cloud still not dissipating.

"Hehehe... Good day." Izuku grinned, his hands gripping the hem of his shirt before tearing it off. His head swerved from side to side, vision going blurry as he tried to stay awake.

As Izuku tried to apply a tourniquet around his dismembered leg, he lost his grip, the piece of cloth dropping to the ground.

"Oh come on..." Izuku clicked his tongue, his head tilting down slightly. "Fine, pyromancy it... pyromancy it is..."

Izuku summoned the energy from within and focused it on his right hand. He didn't want to cauterize the wound, but needs must when needs must. Heat began to gather around his fingertips, before ball of fire formed in his palm, hovering a few inches above.

"Hey! White hair! Are you there!" A voice caused him to lose focus for a moment, before he grit his teeth. This was going to hurt.

Without a moment's hesitation, he slammed the fire ball on his dismembered leg, a hiss escaping through Izuku's lips for but a second. Letting go of the energy, the ball of flames vanished, puffs of smoke floating through the air.

"White hair!" The voice was getting closer now. At least Izuku was able to prevent more of his blood from spilling onto the floor. "White hai- There you are! I was so worri- OH MY GOD!"

Izuku looked up and saw the horrified face of the brunette as she used a piece of rebar as a crutch for her sprained or broken ankle. Giving her a smile, Izuku waved her over.

"Hey. Glad to see you're safe..." Izuku exhaled weakly. He then motioned to his injury. "As you can see, I broke too much of a leg."

"Wha- What do you- YA LOST A LEG!" The brunette cried out, eyes dilated as she stared at the missing leg. "HOW ARE YA SO CALM!?"

"Eh, not the first time this happened." Izuku shrugged. The less said about his experiences in Lordran, the better. The poor girl probably couldn't take it.

The brunette how no way to retort, not after hearing that insane reply.

"Alright, make way. Make way!" A grumpy-sounding voice echoed through the wrecked landscape. "You there, cheeks. Sit down and... Sweet Buddha..."

Izuku glanced at the newcomer, a short and wrinkly female dressed in what he assumed was a modified nurse outfit with a lab coat. She also had a walking cane that looked like a giant syringe. It seemed too sturdy for his liking in what was supposed to be just a walking apparatus.

She was also wearing some sort of headgear with visors. Heroes and their costumes, confusing, but sometimes practical.

She was also speechless as her normally slit-thin eyes opened even just a little bit.

She quickly hobbled over towards the grievously injured teen. Well, as fast a wrinkly, old, human could.

"Shit. This is very bad." The old lady grit her teeth as she inspected the overall condition of Izuku. "I'm gonna have Nezu's hide for this. Mount it on my damn wall."

'Welp, it was nice knowing you, RAT GOD.' Izuku mentally saluted the imaginary vision of Nezu growing a pair of angelic wings slowly ascending to the heavens, before it burned and brought the RAT GOD into the earth below and deeper underground.

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