When the waved come

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Nani's pov

When I had dream of my future, never did I expect it to be riddled with such complex twists and turns. From feeling alienated in a foreign land to the deep-seated traumas that resurfaced, my journey was nothing short of a roller coaster. But amidst the chaos, there existed a fleeting moment of serenity. And in that instance, I felt truly grateful.

The shadow of Hana's memory lingered, ever-present in my mind. The guilt had somewhat dissipated; I no longer felt like I was living in the stolen fragments of her existence. However, the yearning was almost unbearable, wishing she were here, seeing how far I've come. But somewhere deep inside, I believed that she played a part in guiding me to this point.

Perhaps it was Hana's unseen influence that had led me to this particular moment, a moment of calm as—

Ki's fingers delicately kneaded my shoulders, each motion expertly dissolving the stress that had accumulated. The room's dim lighting enveloped us in a cozy warmth, and the distant rhythm of my aunt's gentle snores made it seem like the world had paused, just for us.

But the peace was short-lived, shattered by a knock that seemed out of place. Turning the handle, I was met with Ms. Ki's piercing eyes, filled with uncertainty and something else I couldn't place. Over my shoulder, Ki stood up, his face reflecting the questions that were forming in my mind.

"Ms. Ki?" My voice wavered slightly, echoing my concern. "Is everything alright?"

She swallowed, her eyes darting between Ki and me. "I was wrong," she whispered, her tone weighed down by an emotion I couldn't decipher.

Ki, moving with urgency, approached her, his hands slightly outstretched as if wanting to comfort but unsure if he should. "Eomma, talk to us. What's happened?"

Her eyes, glistening with unshed tears, flitted between us, as though torn about where to begin.

Drawing her in, I closed the door behind her. Her hands came up to cover her mouth, eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I was so wrong about everything," she confessed, her voice choked.

By now, the commotion had stirred my aunt, who appeared at the doorway, her eyes squinting against the brighter light. Ms. Ki's next words seemed to hang heavily in the room. "I should've known. I found out about the baby... I'm so sorry."

All eyes turned to me, but my aunt's gaze was the heaviest.

"Is everything alright?" My aunt's voice was raspy, carrying the weight of her age and sleepiness. After helping her settle into her armchair, I took a deep breath, hesitating for a moment before I found the courage to spill the secret that had been gnawing at me.

"I was pregnant with Ki's child... but I lost the child the day of the accident," I whispered, my gaze fixed on the pattern of the floor, afraid to meet anyone's eyes.

A heavy silence settled in the room, only broken by the soft rustling of clothes and the occasional shuffle of a foot. I chanced a glance upwards and saw my aunt's eyes, filled with compassion, flick between Ms. Ki and me. She slowly extended her hand, and I took it, finding comfort in her warmth.

"You poor thing," she murmured, squeezing my hand gently. "You've been carrying this burden alone for so long, haven't you?"

Her understanding surprised me. "But you knew?" I asked, taken aback by her calmness.

She gave a small, sad smile. "I had my suspicions. But I believed you'd tell me when you felt the time was right." With a gentle tug, she encouraged me to rise.

"That won't be your last child together," my aunt whispered, her voice unwavering and full of conviction. As she brought my hand to her lips, I felt the gentle press of her kiss, warm and reassuring. "You will be fruitful, Nani. After all, you carry our family's spirit and resilience," she added, her eyes shining with pride.

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