My letter to you

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Abena - Nani - 2012

The heavy thud of the door echoed through the room as Ki and his parents left. I remained in my chair, knees curled up against my chest. My eyes were fixed on the empty space where they had just stood, the bitter aftertaste of the confrontation lingering.

"Nani," Aunt Eun-Hye's voice was quiet but stern. "What were you thinking?"

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. The conflict had been more draining than I'd anticipated.

"I..." I faltered, my gaze meeting her deeply concerned eyes.

She sighed heavily, her petite form settling into the chair across from me. "You've always been bright, and you still are." she said, shaking her head lightly, "But this, Nani, it was too far."

" I..." I began unsure how to proceed. " If this is the road you want to go on and try with him. I'll be here to support you but my love." She said as she caressed my cheeks. " I don't want you to end up regretting choosing him.

The room was quiet for a moment as we sat there together.

" I love him," I said softly. "And he loves me. Isn't that enough?"

She looked at me for a moment, her eyes sad but firm. "You're smarter than that Nani. And you know... Love," she said, "is a beautiful thing. It's rare and precious. But it's not always enough."

"But..." I started, confused and hurt.

Aunt Eun-Hye reached across the gap between us, her hand finding mine. "Nani," she started gently, "love isn't always enough to overcome all obstacles. Real life is not a fairy tale. There are societal expectations, familial duties, personal growth, and so much more that comes into play."

"But Ki's parents..." I started to protest but she cut me off.

"Nani," her voice was stern now, "you must consider Ki's perspective as well. He has his own battles, his own demons to fight. It's not just about what you want. Are you ready to emotionally take care of a young man just as confused as you are for the sake of love?"

A wave of guilt washed over me. I hadn't considered the pressure Ki must be under. "I...I didn't think about that," I admitted, feeling my eyes well up, and wiping away my tears.

My aunt's face softened, "It's alright, Nani. You're young, and love can often make us blind to our own feelings. But now you know, and you can make amends."

I nodded, wiping the tears that had started to fall. Her wisdom was harsh, but it was necessary. It was a lesson I needed to learn. It just wasn't one I wanted to learn just yet.

"Remember, Nani," she said, standing up, "Love is a journey, not a destination. You must be willing to learn, adapt, and sometimes take a step back. It's not just about fighting for what you want, but also understanding what others need. But you must also remember, not all fights are worth fighting, and not all can be won. " She kissed my forehead and

With that, she left the room, and her words gathered in my mind. They were hard to accept, but I knew she was right.

No sooner had my aunt's footsteps faded away, I walked to my room when a soft knock resounded at my door. "Nani?" A voice called.

"Come in," I said, my voice strained from the previous conversation.

The door opened, and Ha-na stepped in. Her face lit up with concern as she saw me, her eyes searching my face. "How are you doing, little one?" She asked, her voice filled with a warmth that seemed to melt away some of my sadness.

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