In a room alone

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"Oh, there you two are." I heard as I walked into the house. My aunt was dressed comfortably in house pants, and a white t-shirt that got some kimchi stain on the corner of it. She smiled and walked over to hug me.

"You seem a little more energetic today," I said to her as I returned her embrace.

She nodded softly and pointed to the table of food she prepared. "They sent some side dishes..." She said looking at me, obviously referring to Ki's family. I just nodded and tried to find something nice to say, but all that came out was "How kind of them".

Jun had followed me inside and he gave my aunt an awkward half-smile before settling himself down at the table. We all began eating in silence, not sure what else we could do or say.

Finally, my aunt broke the silence by asking Jun about his studies and communications work. She seemed genuinely interested in his studies the plan was for him to get certification and possibly get a higher earning pay. Regardless, it was heartening to see that despite everything happening, she still cared for others like she always had.

Jun responded with enthusiasm, happy that he was finally able to talk about something he loved with someone who cared enough to listen attentively. I always offered but it was clear he didn't see me like family, in other words, it was clear how much my aunt meant to him too. Maybe it was the best way he could convince himself all this that he did was worth doing.

For a while as he talked with an unmatched excitement rarely seen in him when talking about any other subject matter.

"It smells incredible in here!" He exclaimed soon after, taking the chopsticks and plucking up some of the anchovies from the table.

My aunt beamed at him before turning her attention back to me with an understanding expression on her face. "You used to love my anchovies at the restaurant, Abena. So I made some for you two."

Her memories were still so vivid in her mind, and I recalled how much I loved the dish. But it got difficult to bring them with me to school when the other kids saw and teased me about it. She must have noticed my reluctance at that time, but instead of chastising me she just cooked more of them for dinner that night. Eventually, I stopped caring altogether about what others thought and just enjoyed it.

That was also the same summer when Ki Seung-Ho and Seung-heon arrived in La. It had been a few months since my fifth-grade graduation and the start of middle school was around the corner. The first time we met in person. His parents had some work they were doing there, after opening up a branch for their law firm there.

It was funny actually; I was just sitting down to eat when I felt someone reach over and snatch something from my plate. I whipped around quickly, to see the most adorable face grinning back at me, with twinkling eyes that seemed to sparkle with mischief. "You like them, don't you?" He said, taking another bite before turning away. His brother waved in the background with a small smile as I looked around confused.

It was also the first time I met Ki's parents, they already seemed to know a lot about me, as they walked over. His mother, then younger but as she was now the same radiant woman with the same warm eyes as Ki, greeted me with a smile that made me feel instantly welcomed. His father, a stern-looking man, hid a kind nature behind his serious demeanor. "We've heard a lot about you, Nani," they said, to which I nodded and returned a shy smile.

That was the start of our close-knit friend group - Ki, his brother, Ha-na, and I. We were four distinct personalities, each unique in our ways, yet bound together by shared laughter, shared secrets, and shared moments. Jun was missing from our circle, as he was closer to Ha-na than anyone else, but somehow his presence was kept alive through letters he and Ha-Na exchange.

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