All that is our romance

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A warm glow danced over the room and stirred me from my peaceful sleep. As I opened my eyes, I caught sight of the woman lying next to me. Abena had been asleep for hours, her head resting on my arm and her fingers loosely intertwined with mine. I glanced down at her, watching the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed in and out. She looked so different when she was asleep, so peaceful and innocent, the stress lines on her face smoothed out.

I could have stayed there for hours, but the sound of a car engine outside the window reminded me that the day was already beginning. Somewhere in the distance, a church bell began to toll, signaling the start of a new day.

Despite the difficulties we'd faced, the sight of her in the morning light was reassuring. I found myself mesmerized, tracing the curve of her cheek with my free hand, marveling at the softness of her golden bronzed skin. Her eyelashes cast shadows over her cheeks, and her lips were slightly parted in sleep. I resisted the urge to lean in and wake her with a kiss. She needed the rest.

I laid there for a moment, simply watching her sleep. The fear and worry that had plagued me seemed distant, pushed away by the peaceful sight in front of me.

After a while, I began to gently extricate myself from her hold, trying not to wake her up. She stirred slightly, her eyebrows furrowing as she clung to my shirt, but then she settled back down, her breath evening out once again.

Relieved, I pulled the blanket over her and slowly moved out of the bed, heading towards the bathroom to freshen up. As I stood under the warm shower, I couldn't help but reflect on the past few hours, on everything we had been through. It was overwhelming, to say the least.

As I returned to the room, Abena was beginning to stir. Her eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, she looked disoriented. Then her gaze landed on me, and a small smile graced her lips.

"Morning," she mumbled sleepily, her voice husky from sleep. Her gaze was soft, still filled with remnants of her dreams.

"Good morning," I replied, smiling back at her. I reached out, as I helped place her afro into a puff tail.

We stayed silent for a moment. As Abena slowly rose from the bed, I reached out and helped her up. She leaned into me, her head resting on my chest.

"Would you like some breakfast?" I asked Abena as we stepped out of the bedroom and into the living room. She was dressed in a simple T-shirt and shorts, her natural beauty shining through the simplicity. "I've got some meals being delivered," I added, watching as her eyes lit up with interest.

"That sounds wonderful, Ki," she responded, her smile brightening the room.

Suddenly, her gaze fell to her phone, her smile fading slightly. She scrolled through a few messages before returning her attention to me, curiosity glinting in her eyes.

"Your aunt is doing well, Nani" I commented, trying to ease into the topic. "I checked on her earlier this morning, while you were sleeping."

" You did? That's so sweet..." She smiled, a ray of sunlight that pierced through the gloom of the room. But in an instant, her face was struck with shock. Her eyebrows raising as her lips parted in surprise and confusion. I watched as her eyes widened in horror and disbelief. She stammered, "I...I must've fallen asleep... But wait, did you just..."

I nodded my head slowly, releasing a heavy sigh. "What's the point in pretending anymore, Abena?" I asked softly, yet firmly. "We both know what you have been hiding."

Her gaze never leaving mine as she tried to process my words. She could feel the emotion radiating from me as my eyes spoke louder than my voice ever could. After a moment, she swallowed hard, finally finding her voice. "How long have you known?" she questioned in a vulnerable whisper, still focused on me with fear and anxiety written over her features. "That...that I was Nani?"

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