A lingering truth

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Abena - Nani 2023

My feet dragged across the polished tile floor of the hospital, leaving a faint trail in my wake. Noises echoed off the walls—heart monitors beeping, paper shuffling, muffled conversations.

I had been wandering about for a moment, looking for a quiet corner to make my call. After making several wrong turns and backtracking more times than I cared to count, I heard it. The unmistakable sound of a phone ringing.

Following the noise, I eventually found myself in the waiting area near reception. A figure, cloaked in black, was slumped in one of the chairs tucked away in the corner. It was Ki, asleep with his arms crossed over his chest and eyes closed. He looked so tired and peaceful that I almost didn't want to wake him even though it was me calling his phone.

The steady buzz of my calling phone soon stirred him from his uneasy sleep. His eyes open and blinked owlishly, confusion clouding his tired features until he finally laid eyes upon me. But at my approach, he stirred, lifting his head before his unfocused gaze settled on me. Slowly but surely a weak smile spread across his face and illuminated his exhausted features—he was happy to see me despite being awake all night in this bleak place.

I said softly, my voice caught between surprise and admiration, "You've been here all night? It's been hours." As Ki nodded. He had stayed up all night to be here for me, despite how exhausted he must have been.

He slowly stretched out an arm, motioning for me to take the seat beside him. "How's your aunt?" His voice was soft, the lighthearted tone replaced with genuine concern. I gave him a soft smile in response and hesitantly sat down next to him.

The silence that followed was surprisingly comfortable. As I looked into his eyes, I wanted to lean into him and rest my head on his shoulder with the soothing rhythm of his fingers tracing paths along my shoulder blade. But I fought the impulse and merely settled next to him, keeping a comfortable distance.

The silence between us was comfortable, yet in the back of my mind I couldn't help but feel an odd sort of tension. I looked over to Ki and noticed the same thing—he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts as he gazed off into the distance, his face soft with worry.

I cleared my throat softly and spoke, "She'll be okay soon," I started, my voice faltering for a moment before regaining strength. "She was in a bit of pain, but they've managed to stabilize her. It's... it's why I can't stay away for too long, you know?"

Ki nodded slowly and looked me in the eye. His gaze was soothing and full of understanding. He slowly reached out and placed a comforting hand on mine. His touch, although simple, held a profound significance that was hard to ignore. We sat there in silence, both of us lost in our thoughts, taking solace in the presence of each other. The Abena of my past would've been frightened to be seen out with him with family near by. However it seemed I was starting to care less.

As if on cue, the nurse at reception called out my aunt's name—it was time for me to go back to her room. She was going to be placed under soon for a small procedure. I stood up reluctantly and took one last look at Ki before turning away with heavy footsteps.

"I'll be here when you need me," I heard him say. His voice was low but firm, as reassuring as ever.

I nodded in response and made my way back to the room, thoughts of Ki still lingering in my mind.

Once I arrived to the room, I found Jun looking over at his sleeping mother then at my aunt who was just starting to stir from her nap.

"Where were you?" He asked softly, his voice somehow gentle yet desperate for an answer. I answered honestly.

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