Being forgotten

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Abena• Nani pov 2023

"Abenashi..." A voice murmured, barely piercing the veil of my reverie. "Ms. Abenashi..." The voice repeated, more insistent this time. My attention snapped back to the room, my gaze meeting the secretary who stood poised with a delicate china cup of tea.

I accepted it with a murmur of thanks, cradling the warmth in my hands as the secretary flashed me an amicable smile. She was a middle-aged woman, her hair meticulously styled into a low bun, and her posture radiating a sense of professionalism. "The chairman will be right in," she informed before leaving the room.

As I looked around, the opulence of the room was unavoidable. The walls were adorned with tastefully curated artworks, each one undoubtedly worth a small fortune. The furniture was a mixture of sleek modern design and classic elegance, lending the room an air of sophisticated authority.

I rose from my chair, my curiosity leading me to a photo frame perched on the mahogany desk. It was a group photo of Ha-na, Seong-ho, his brother, and me, our youthful faces beaming in our senior prom attire. We were all dressed to the nines in our prom finery. Ha-na in her sparkling silver dress, Seong-ho looking dapper in his tuxedo, Ki wearing a black suit with grey highlight that complimented his eyes, and me in a classic black gown, my hair done in elaborate waves of an afro.

My heart gave a little jolt at the sight of the photograph. It was a reminder of simpler times when all four of us would be together, laughing and having fun. I touched the glass frame gently as if it were fragile and might break into pieces with my touch.

"You have grown since then," said a voice, causing me to startle. " I could barely recognize you." She finished and I finished turning, I was met with the sight of Ki's mother, Ki Mi-Ok. She was a commanding presence, her refined features painting into the elegance of her office.

Her stylishly cut suit and stiletto heels, complemented by her minimalist makeup and accessories, suggested a woman of power, while her eyes, soft yet unreadable, hinted at a depth of feeling she worked hard to keep hidden. She stepped forward to take the photo from my hands, her gaze softening as it landed on the image.

"You kept this," I observed a note of surprise in my voice.

"Well..." she began, her voice a low hum that reverberated in the silence of the room. "It is not like I dislike you, Abena, I just think... you and Ki aren't right for each other."

As I nodded in agreement, her gaze dropped to my ring finger. "So you are engaged?"

Before I could respond, I steered the conversation to safer waters. "Is the chairman...?"

"He is occupied," she cut me off, her tone dismissing the importance of his absence. "He asked me to fill in for him as he's caught up in a meeting, and I wanted a chance to see you since it's been a while." As we settled into a polite conversation, I could tell she was uncomfortable. Still, I appreciated her effort to maintain a semblance of civility.

"Thank you for taking care of my aunt and me," I said, a wave of gratitude washing over me.

"Of course," she responded her words somehow both casual and sincere. She gestured for me to sit, breaking the stillness that had enveloped us. "I don't know why you want to work, dear. I'm sure we would have no problem helping with extra expenses for you and..."

I shook my head, cutting her off, a subtle assertion of my independence. I took a sip of my tea, the aromatic liquid soothing my nerves as I prepared for the conversation to follow.

The pale green petals of jasmine, dotted with the specks of white frangipani pollen, were bathed in the late sunlight's coppery glow that seeped through the window's wavy glass. As I broke the silence, the comforting coolness of the tea, flavored with ginseng and honey, danced on my tongue - its sweetness as light as air, soothing my nerves.

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