Subtle rhythm of time

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Abena's pov 2023

The sky was a deep well of blackness sprinkled with the subtle glow of stars in the air. I found the scenery from the kitchen window distracting as I started getting lost in it. After Ki's abrupt exit, Jun and I had busied ourselves with tidying up the home.

As I started on another dish, I felt a light tug at my sleeve. I turned to see Jun carefully rolling up my sleeve, preventing it from getting wet. His fingers were gentle, the action so thoughtful that it caught me by surprise.

He caught my questioning gaze and shrugged, "Just thought you'd like to stay dry."

Our conversation was filled with comfortable silence, punctuated only by the clinking of glasses and soft rustle of the dishcloth.

Eventually, as we finished up, Jun broke the silence, "So, you're really going to take the offer to return?"

I paused, a dish in my hand. Turning towards him, I nodded, "Yes, I believe so."

Jun leaned back on the counter, his arms folded over his chest, studying me, "Is it because you want to return to your old job, or...?" He let his sentence trail off, a knowing look in his eyes.

"Or what?" I asked, already suspecting what he was getting at.

"Or is it because you miss Ki?" He finished, his gaze holding mine.

I hesitated, unsure of how to answer. Did I miss Ki? Of course, I did. But was that my primary reason for taking the offer? I wasn't so certain. Looking away, I sighed, "I'll let you know when I figure out the answer myself."

" You said you still loved him right?" He asked me.

I didn't respond. I turned my back as I wiped my hands on the kitchen towel.

He simply nodded, understanding, and we continued cleaning in silence. Once we were done, we both headed upstairs, each lost in our own thoughts.

The transition to bedtime felt oddly unfamiliar this evening, despite the well-tread routine we usually followed. As we prepared for bed, each small action felt weighty and significant - the way Jun hesitated before turning off the bedside lamp, the deliberate manner in which we each climbed into our respective sides of the bed. The earlier kiss had left a series of unasked questions, turning mundane actions into a delicate dance.

As we finally settled down, Jun on his side and me on mine, I noticed Jun studying me. The scant light from the nearby streetlamp filtered in through the window, casting a gentle glow on his face. His eyes were soft, attentive, the kind of gaze that seemed to want to memorize every feature.

It was a look I couldn't quite decipher, but it was filled with a softness that was uncharacteristic of him.

"Jun?" I whispered, in the quiet room. I was about to ask what he was thinking when he suddenly leaned in. His action mirrored that unexpected moment earlier that night, the memory of which still had my pulse quickening.

His lips met mine in a kiss that was so gentle it was almost hesitant. It was tender and achingly slow, rich with an emotion I couldn't quite grasp. His touch was feather-light, as if he was afraid of shattering the moment. His hand came up to cradle my face, his thumb gently brushing my cheek. It was a sweetly devastating gesture that left me breathless.

When he finally pulled back, my mind was a whirl of questions and confusions. I was about to voice them when he broke the silence. "Goodnight, Abena," he murmured, his voice was low but soft as if taunting me. His lips curved into a soft smile before he rolled onto his side, his back facing me.

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