Our raining days

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Abena's pov 2023

Pushing open the front door, I stepped into the warmth of our home, shaking off the chill that clung to my skin from the evening rain. I rested the umbrella on the side of the home. The rainy season had arrived a lot stronger than expected and I was caught in the midst of it both literally and figuratively.

With a soft thud, I closed the door behind me, the noise dancing around the quiet house. The familiar scent of home welcomed me, a comforting feeling compared to the cold outside.

Making my way to the kitchen, I hung my drenched jacket on the back of a chair, wincing slightly as drops of water splattered onto the tiled floor. The soft patter of the October rain against the windows was a gentle scenery as I set a kettle to boil.

Hoping that the jasmine tea would soon help to thaw my chilled bones.

"Nani, is that you?" A voice floated towards me, muffled slightly by the living room wall.

I glanced over my shoulder, catching sight of my aunt perched on the couch, a book balanced on her lap. "Yeah, it's me, eomma," I called back, turning my attention back to the kettle.

The familiar whir of the kettle filled the silence as I busied myself with the tea preparations. "I would come to hug you, but I got caught in the rain," I explained, holding up my soaked sleeves for emphasis for her to see.

My aunt laughed softly, a warm sound that enveloped the room. "Is that why you're making tea?" she asked, her eyes zoning in and out as if she was trying to catch herself from falling asleep.

I nodded, unable to resist the small smile my lips formed. "Making you one too," I added, my fingers dancing over the array of tea bags.

"Ah, thank you, dear," she said, a soft smile spreading across her face. She then pointed towards the bathroom. "Why don't you go take a warm bath? Afterward, we can watch a movie or something while we enjoy our tea. If I'm asleep, let's try again in the morning." She said things like this often. Yet usually once I arrived from my bath she was likely to be asleep.

However, the fact that she often wanted to. That alone was promising that she still looked forward to our times together.

Agreeing with a nod, I set the kettle on a gentle simmer, timed it, and made my way upstairs. By the time I had finished soaking in the comforting warmth of the bath, I was pleasantly drowsy, my muscles relaxed, and my skin tingled.

As I descended the staircase, a towel draped over my damp hair, and the telltale jingle of keys echoed through the hallway. I paused mid-step, watching as the front door swung open.

" You're home, early." I said as I headed down I heard a faint " Yea." Left his lips as he smiled at me before walking towards my aunt.

By the time I stepped onto the last stair, Jun was just exiting my aunt's room, closing the door behind him with a soft click. He turned and caught sight of me, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Got caught in the rain?" He asked, gesturing towards my damp hair peeking out from under the towel.

Nodding, I swirled a Q-tip in my ear, discarding it with a satisfied sigh into the trash can.

"How did you guess?" I teased, crossing my arms over my fluffy robe.

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