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Nani•Abena 2023

As the days turned into weeks since my return to work, I couldn't help but notice Ki's increased attentiveness. He was always ready with fresh baked goods, which seemed to appear from nowhere. He didn't hesitate to brush crumbs from my face, a casual act that didn't falter under the gaze of our colleagues. While his gestures weren't unwelcome, they did fuel a flutter of feelings I knew better than to entertain.

Throughout today however , the strain of continuous work coupled with trying to keep up with my aunt's new psychical therapy exercise routine, it wasn't that it was strenuous but it was enough weight on me, that it left my shoulder in a persistent throb. As I massaged the ache absentmindedly, Ki's unexpected team meeting call came in.

As we started to assemble, Ki strolled past me. Without breaking his stride, he subtly handed me a bag. I peeked inside to find a tube of muscle relief ointment. With a gentle, understanding pat on my shoulder, he moved on. His thoughtful gesture gace me a smile, even as it left my colleagues tittering.

Amber and Jasmine chuckled knowingly, their amusement clear as we gathered. Joining us, Soo-min let out a playful chuckle, stating as she settled into her chair, "It's all over your face, you know."

I gave her a puzzled look. "What is?"

"That little spark when you look at him," she replied, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "You may think it's subtle, but we can all see it."

Rolling my eyes, I chuckled, though a part of me was self-conscious, wondering if my feelings were indeed so transparent. All around us, colleagues were speculating about Ki's reason for calling the abrupt meeting. Their conversations were instantly hushed when Ki finally walked towards the front of the office.

"It's very last minute, however I've arranged a weekend trip for us all," he revealed, his gaze scanning the room. "You've all been working exceptionally hard, and I believe we could all benefit from a break. We leave tomorrow & because it's so sudden we will have Monday and Tuesday off for all those that choose to come."

Surprised gasps and murmurs of delight echoed through the room. The corners of my mouth twitched upwards into a smile, swept up in the collective excitement.

"Great, let's convene here tomorrow morning and we'll embark," Ki concluded, a subtle glance in my direction making my heart flutter with anticipation.

As the announcement sunk in, I could feel a sense of relief washing over the team. There were sighs of relief, chuckles, and even some applause. A few teammates high-fived each other, while others already began making plans for the trip.

"Before we get too excited, what's the itinerary?" Amber asked, excitement shining in her eyes.

"I thought it might be refreshing to drive to the countryside of Busan and spend some quality time amidst nature. After all, we've been holed up in the city for far too long." He began.

" I know a place with the most amazing rice wine." Soo-Min added.

Ki smiled in agreement at her suggestion before continuing. "We have a roster of exciting activities scheduled," he continued, leaning back casually against the table, "but there will also be plenty of time for relaxation and rejuvenation. The goal is to unwind, not exhaust ourselves further."

As he finished his sentence, his gaze met mine for a brief moment. Amber, who was standing next to me, caught this fleeting exchange and nudged me with a playful grin, winking. I returned her gesture with a shake of my head and another roll of my eyes.

On our way back home, Jun and I discussed the day's unexpected development. "A trip to the countryside, huh?" Jun mused, his eyes focused on the evening traffic. "Somewhere in busan? His family's rich he can't afford somewhere fancier?"

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