When we meet

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Ki's POV 2023

Morning light seeped through the slits of the blinds, casting a dappled pattern of hazy light and shadow across my bedcover. The ruffles of my twists and turns underneath the covers were shadowed by the muffled sound of Seoul's city song coming to life beneath my loft building.

The soft glow continued to dance along the edge of my curtains, the breaking dawn casting muted hues across the whole of my minimalist bedroom.

Bleary-eyed and still half in the world of dreams. Stirring from sleep, I stretch out the residue of slumber from my muscles, sliding out from the warm refuge of my covers. Running a hand through my disheveled hair, I started the day with my usual routine. Making my way to the closet, after my shower, and daily routines of hygiene.

While dressing, my gaze is drawn to an old wooden box resting on the top shelf. The box, covered with a hand-painted burgundy shade, now worn and chipped from years of existence, once held a special place in my heart.

I picked it up and dusted away particles dancing in the slant of the morning sun that melted in through my window.

Inside the box is a wristwatch, an old gift from Nani. I hadn't seen it in years. The watch band was now weathered, but the face still shined bright, the hands frozen at a time long past. However, the singing of the dial still singing.

A smile tugs at my lips as I remembered her — how she'd gifted me this after our middle school graduation, her face beaming with pride. "For luck," she'd said.

I wrap it around my wrist, whether for nostalgia or balance, I wasn't sure. All I knew was sometimes it felt good to enjoy a time before it went bad, the joyous memories from the halcyon days of our childhood. I remembered her eyes, gazing upon me with excitement, as she watched me unwrap it.

Now, while it sat in my hands, a sigh escaped my lips at the flood of memories it brought along with it. I fasten it around my wrist, trying to not overthink. Once dressed, I walked over to the mirror, and with one last look at my reflection, I grabbed my keys and headed out. Once outside, the quiet singing of my car was the only sound breaking the early morning stillness.

While I navigated through the busy streets, the cityscape bathed in the soft hues of dawn. My phone buzzed on the seat next to me, the name Jae-Hwa flashing on the screen, breaking the momentary peace.

However, I chose not to entertain the call, focusing instead on the road that lies ahead. The silhouette of my office building loomed in the near distance, after parking I watched as the notifications came in from Jae-Hwa. Pushing aside the constant buzz from my silenced phone, I walked into the office.

Immediately upon entering, I found myself enveloped in a gathering of new faces. Our department was abuzz with the arrival of four workers, whom everyone seemed to be introducing with a smile Abena the new writer, Amber from our American branch, Jasmine, and Soo-min, the fresh junior associates, stood together like a small island amidst a sea of seasoned professionals.

Mr. Park, the senior partner, continued to introduce the newcomers. As I stood in the corner, watching from afar with my arms folded. His gaze eventually landed on me, signaling me over. "And here we have Ki Seung-ho," he announces, gesturing towards me. "Son of our esteemed Chairman and lead manager of our team."

The room fell silent as I stepped forward, my gaze scanning the new faces. A small smile painted on my lips as I recognized the woman from the park, Abena. And as I extended my hand to greet her, the wristwatch from Nani glinted under the office lights, its soft tick-tock played causing her to look at my wrist. For an odd reason she paused, before she smiled in a greeting slightly avoiding my eyes. Looking at the other three, Amber stuck out her hand also so I went along the line of newcomers and greeted them.

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