When love meets me

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Abena 2012

The complexities of Ki and I's family members had caused us to part a little more. I had to admit part of it was my fault, as I removed myself from being accessible. However, I had my reasons. Upon arriving at the hospital, I was guided to the prenatal department by a nurse with a kind smile and warm eyes - the sort of person you'd hope to see in a place like this.

"Kim Nani?" she inquired, glancing at her clipboard. "I see you're here for a pregnancy test?" Her voice was gentle, devoid of judgment, but the question still left me feeling exposed.

I nodded, my throat suddenly too dry for words. She gave me a comforting smile, assuring me that everything was going to be okay.

Inside the examination room, the nurse explained the procedure to me. The cool jelly on my belly, the dull pressure of the ultrasound probe, the rhythmic thud-thud of a heartbeat filling the room - it all felt surreal. All I could ask myself was if this was happening.

Once the tests were over, the nurse handed me a cup of water and advised me to rest. " Your next appointment should be in a few weeks,"  she said, her comforting touch on my arm a soothing balm on my frazzled nerves.

In the waiting area, my eyes stayed glued to the sea of pregnancy pamphlets scattered across the coffee table. Each one felt like a glaring neon sign announcing my condition. The room felt stifling, the ticking of the clock on the wall echoing my escalating heartbeat. I sighed as I walked away towards the main entrance area of the hospital.

Suddenly, a familiar face appeared across the crowded waiting room in the main lobby. It was Jae-hwa, her wide eyes mirroring my shock, she looked at the department sign. I felt my heart plummet into my stomach, a cold sweat prickling at my temples.

We didn't exchange words, not that there were any to say. The silence was far more telling. We held each other's gaze for what felt like an eternity before she turned around and quickly retreated.

Still unsettled from my hospital visit, I decided to find a quiet corner in a local café, seeking solace in a warm pastry. Upon entering the café, I was enveloped by the comforting aroma of fresh coffee and the gentle circulation of surrounding conversation. Finding a corner seat, I ordered a honey bread with tea and stared blankly at the cup as my mind reeled from the day's revelations. My fingers traced the rim of my coffee mug as my thoughts swirled.

" Must not be tasty." I heard someone say but I tuned them out.

"May I?" this time the voice broke into my thoughts. Surprised, I looked up to see Mr. Choi, his face etched with an uncomfortable expression. He gestured to the seat across me.

"Ah... Mr. Choi," I managed to say, blinking in surprise.

He gestured towards the seat again. And I nodded. "Yes, Please, have a seat." I lied.

He settled down with a quiet thank you, taking a moment to glance around the café before turning his attention to me.

"Miss Nani," he began, his gaze steady but not unkind. "You seem deep in thought. I trust everything is fine?"

The politeness in his voice was contradicted by the undercurrent of reservation in his eyes. It struck me then that Jae-hwa must have told him about my hospital visit.

"Everything's as fine as it can be, Mr. Choi," I replied, forcing a small smile. "I hope you and your family are doing well."

His lips tightened at my words, but he nodded, his gaze momentarily shifting to the hospital across the street.

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