To the times lost

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Ki's pov 2023

Entering the Columbarium office later that day, I approached the manager, a middle-aged man with deep-set eyes and a thinning hairline. "May I have some information on the family of Ha-na Kim?" I asked.

The manager eyed me suspiciously. "Are you a relative?" he asked.

"No, but an old acquaintance. It's important," I tried to reassure him. Another worker walked over to him whispering something in his ear. It was moments like this my family name did some good.

The hesitation lingered in his eyes, but eventually, he acquiesced, handing over a paper slip containing basic contact information.

With that, I drove down to the address listed. On the way of passing the park and small beach, I found myself on a familiar road. As I parked my car up upon seeing the familiar car earlier today I also realized where else I had seen it. At work... dropping Abena off. 

As the door swung open, my heart raced at the sight of the man who stood there, one I recognized from the Columbarium.

An array of emotions washed over me - surprise, confusion, a hint of suspicion. "I... is this the Kim residence?" I asked, still caught off guard.

"No, Min," he corrected me, confusion coloring his features. " Kim is also here however if you're looking for....?" He seemed to question me to finish the sentence.

The mention of 'Min' drew my attention - it was Abena's last name. A sudden, overwhelming suspicion began to form in my mind, but I quickly dismissed it. The connection was too far-fetched well it was more emotionally far-fetched than it was logical however that only made things worst.

" Ah, that's right my apologies I meant " Min."

"What brings you here?" The man asked, interrupting my train of thought.

"I... I stopped by to discuss a matter about a previous case. Is there a Ms.Min present?" I attempted to explain, lying about my original purpose as I ruffled with the address on the part that sat in my pocket, striving to keep my voice steady and professional.

He nodded, " Mr.Ki, right?" He asked and I nodded in suit.

He gestured me in and guided me towards a couch to sit on in the living room. " How long have you lived here?" I asked.

Just as he was about to reply, a figure emerged from the shadows of a nearby room, her features softly illuminated by the light spilling from the hallway.

It was Abena. My breath hitched in my throat as the realization hit me. Logic couldn't be escaped any longer.

Abena was Nani, had to be. With that in mind looking at her I felt like an idiot not to recognize her. She changed only slightly but I couldn't understand why I didn't piece the puzzles together especially when they had already fallen into place - the address, the familiar car, the connection to the Kim family - even though it felt too surreal to believe.

But I couldn't let my surprise show. Not now. I cleared my throat, my mind working overtime to regain control. "Abena," I greeted her, hoping that my voice sounded normal. "I'm here to discuss the Park case with you."

She seemed taken aback but quickly composed herself, her eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and curiosity. The guilt of not recognizing her earlier gnawed at my conscience, but I buried it deep, maintaining an impassive facade.

I cleared my throat, looking between the two of them, "The Park case, the one that caused your temporary leave, Abena... turns out, you weren't at fault."

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