Crossing paths again

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Ki POV 2012

Her hands firmly interlaced with mine, I led Nani to the safety of my car. I could feel her pausing a few steps behind me, the interaction from the dinner still there in her gaze. "Were you just going to sit there, taking those insults?" I asked, unable to mask the frustration creeping into my voice.

Nani, her face twisting into a mask of indignation, withdrew her hands abruptly. She fixed me with a steely glare. "You rarely stand up to your father either, so why expect me to fight a battle that's not even mine, to begin with? I can't even be comfortable enough to even... forget it." Her words were lathered with resentment as she moved past me towards the vehicle.

"Nani!" Her name escaped my lips as an involuntary plea as I watched her retreat. At the same time, Seoung-heon dashed over to us.

"Why are you here?" I questioned him.

"Eomma suggested we go together," he replied, patting my shoulder in a comforting manner before motioning me to get into the car.

The journey to Nani's place was eerily silent, punctuated only by the soft rush of the wind blowing in. I could tell Nani was worn out; her heavy sighs and the way she seemed lost in her thoughts were clear indicators. At some point, she was tearing up but quickly ripped it away. Mumbling how embarrassing this all was.

Her irritation was understood as it was noticeable as we stepped into her home, she quickly retreated to the sanctity of her room while her aunt came over, concern etched on her face.

Her aunt, sensing the tension, heaved a sigh before gesturing to me and Seoung-heon into the living room. "Why don't you and Ha-na go get some groceries, Seong-heonah?" she suggested to my brother, her face also noticeably filled with a mixture of weariness and worry.

Grasping the situation, Seoung-heon agreed, leaving me alone with Nani's aunt. We settled into the quiet atmosphere of the living room, the only sound being the gentle clink of porcelain as she prepared tea.

"I've always wondered why Nani calls you 'Ki' instead of your given name," she mused, her fingers lightly massaging her wrist encased in a black compression band. When she noticed my concerned gaze, she shrugged it off with a gentle laugh. "Don't worry, it's just a chef's badge of honor," she assured me, a comforting smile warming her face.

Sensing the seriousness of the situation, I managed to summon a smile and clear my throat before responding to her initial statement. "She started to call me 'Ki' after I began using just my last name as my signature with our letters, and the name just stuck. Even my family started using it more." I shared, taking a sip from my cup of tea.

She responded with a slow, thoughtful nod. Then, with a gentleness that surprised me, she reached out and wrapped her hands around my left hand. She sighed, her gaze flicking between my face and our clasped hands.

"Seong-hoah..." She paused, collecting her thoughts. " This seems very forward but...You must let her go..."

"Ajuemoni..." I began, but she cut me off.

"I've heard that there are plans for you to marry someone else?" she asked.

I nodded, swallowing hard. "My mother won't let that happen. And neither will I." Despite the conviction in my voice, I felt a deep-seated sense of helplessness.

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