A little bit more

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Author's Pov • 2023

Jae-Hwa settled into the sofa, the thick cushions embracing her as the remaining light of sunset faded away and the night sky began to glimmer. Her gaze shifted to the ceiling as her brother, Jae-Suk, moved about the room.

"Did she look familiar to you?" she asked suddenly, hands folded across her chest.

Her brother, who had been filling his glass from a bottle of wine, paused and looked at her. "Who?"

"The woman you were trying to flirt with earlier," Jae-Hwa replied. "Didn't she look familiar to you at all?"

Jae-Suk scoffed and took a sip of his wine before admiring the night view through the window. "If I had met her before, I wouldn't have forgotten," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of flirtatiousness. " I have met many gorgeous women, but I think I would remember a face like that."

Jae-Hwa was silent for a moment, pondering her brother's words as he continued to look towards the entrance down below from the large window of his office. Turning to see his sister lost in serious thought, as she bit at the nail on her thumb, her legs crossed over the other while she remained dazed.

"When are we meeting with abeoji anyways?" Jae-Suk, posed the question with a hint of impatience, placing his glass tumbler on the polished desk. The clink of glass against wood reverberated in the austere confines of the office, punctuating the weighty silence that had settled in.

Returning from her thoughts, Jae-hwa looked down at her slender wrist, her gaze settling on the sleek silver timepiece that gently ticked away the seconds. She blinked, momentarily withdrawing from the labyrinth of her thoughts.

"Well, we were supposed to meet at the restaurant," she began, her voice carrying an undertone of apprehension. "But Abeoji insisted on having Seong-ho there. Since he's not coming, I'd rather delay facing his inevitable tirade for a bit longer."

Reaching into the leather bag beside her, she sighed audibly, her fingers absentmindedly sifting through its contents in search of her phone.

"I really think I've seen her before," she mused aloud, her thoughts fixated on the enigma that was Abena. She repeated the line as if the insistence would unearth buried memories.

"Well, when you figure it out, do let me know," Jae-Suk chuckled, his tone lightly teasing.

"What are you going on about?" Jae-Hwa retorted, her eyebrows plowing in confusion as she turned to face him.

"You do have a knack for asking the most irrelevant questions," her brother shot back, his lips curving into a smirk as he drained the last of his drink and began to gather his belongings.

"You do know her last name is 'Min', right? She's probably already married," Jae-Hwa interjected, her eyes glinting with a sense of triumph.

"You've already been looking into her?" Jae-Suk laughed, his tone laced with surprise and amusement.

Jae-Hwa merely nodded in response, an aura of satisfaction enveloping her like a cloak.

"Even more reason to seduce her then," Jae-Suk shot back, a wicked smirk playing on his lips. "Consider it a favor, a test of loyalty for her unsuspecting husband."

Shaking her head at her brother's audacious plan, Jae-Hwa scoffed, hoisting her bag over her shoulder. "Well, let's go meet Appa," she sighed, a subtle note of resignation coloring her words. "Now that you mention it, it does seem odd, the closeness between her and Seong-ho."

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