Restarting from scratch

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Abena - Nani pov

Eventually I slumped down in the living room staring at my aunt's room trying to find the way to process all the confusion that life had surrounded me with. The complexities in trying to find a balance with just living and also making the needed time to care for my aunt.

It was what it was and I was grateful for that. Lost in my thoughts, I was snapped back to reality by the sound of footsteps. I glanced up just in time to see Ki descending the stairs, a towel draped around his neck as he dried his freshly washed hair.

"When did you sneak off for a shower?" I asked, a hint of amusement in my voice, while I checked the time.

With a smirk, he responded, "Thought I'd make myself at home."

"You know you have your own house, right, Director Ki?"

His stride confident, he closed the distance between us. "I've told you before, Nani. I'm making it clear that I'm here for you. You shouldn't be leaving your aunt alone, so consider me your backup plan," he teased before placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. Despite the nurse coming in every once and as while as needed, I accepted that what Ki said wasn't nonsensical to consider.

Distracted by our exchange, we hadn't noticed my aunt, her frail figure emerging from her room, headed towards the kitchen.

"Eomma," I called softly, moving to assist her.

She waved me off with a weak but determined hand. "I'm just making tea," she assured.

Seizing the opportunity, I began setting the table for us to eat. Time seemed to slip away, and before we knew it, evening had arrived. As we sat down to eat, the door swung open to reveal Jun, his face a mixture of determination and regret.

"Abena," he started, his voice laminated with desperation, "You have to let me explain."

Ki instinctively took a step forward, protective and wary, as my aunt audibly scoffed.

"Can we just have one peaceful meal?" she asked, her eyes remaining focused on her plate.

Jun hesitated, the weight of the room's tension pressing down on him. After a deep breath, my aunt finally voiced the question I hadn't yet found the courage to ask, "Jun, is it true? Have you betrayed my child?"

Desperate to keep the peace, I interjected, "Eomma, can we just eat?"

She glanced at me, her eyes sharp yet sad. "Suddenly, I find the silence too deafening."

Jun's voice wavered with desperation. "It was a grave mistake," he confessed. The room was so silent that the scraping sound of his chair pushing back was deafening. He stood abruptly, then slowly lowered himself into a deep kneel, his forehead almost touching the cold floor.

"I recognize the severity of my errors. While I know I don't have the right to ask for forgiveness, I hope for a chance to show that there was genuine care in our relationship, and a time when she truly mattered to me."

My response was a dry chuckle, the irony and audacity of his plea not lost on me. I took another bite, focusing on the flavor to distract myself from the storm of emotions inside.

"That was quite the performance, Jun," I remarked, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Once you're done eating, pack your bags. And perhaps it's time to have a chat with your mother about moving in with her. Regardless of agreements or any past considerations, I refuse to let my niece be bound to a man who'd betray her trust during challenging times."

With those cutting words, my aunt gracefully stood up. After placing her bowl in the sink with a definitive clank, she retreated to her room, leaving behind a vibrant-filled silence.

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