A hello

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Ki's pov 2023

After a draining day at the firm, I found myself once again ensconced in the solitude of my room. I sat in front of the large window, the night offering a mesmerizing view of Seoul's skyline. The only sound disturbing the quiet was the almost soothing hum of my laptop, its rhythm matching the steady thump of my heartbeat.

I idly flicked through my social media, indifferent to the constant stream of updates from friends, acquaintances, and random pages I'd once thought interesting. My mind was elsewhere, still grappling with the complexities of the day's case. But then, an unexpected notification appeared, pulling me out of my thoughts.

A friend request. From... Nani?

It was as though time had suddenly paused. I sat there, staring at the screen, caught off guard. A torrent of emotions surged within me, memories rushing back with an intensity that took my breath away. Nani, my Nani, seemingly reaching out.

My heart pounded in my chest as I moved the cursor over the request, my hand trembling slightly. It was her name, her picture. But could it be her? After all this time? I felt a strange mix of trepidation and longing. The past was suddenly very much present, and I was not sure if I was ready to face it.

I scrutinized the profile with a cautious curiosity. It was stark in its newness, with hardly any posts, minimal personal information, and an old photo that was the profile picture. It depicted a young woman with a playful smile, eyes wide with joy and innocence, stirring an unexplained familiarity within me.

It was like for a moment we had become penpals all over again.

Despite my rational mind asserting that it must be a mere coincidence or the chance of someone playing a sick game. A flicker of hope held me captive. The idea that it could really be her. As I wrestled with my thoughts, I found my cursor hovering over the 'Accept' button. With a final deep breath, I clicked.

However, that was it. She didn't say much else and I was too nervous to message her.  As the days went by, this newfound digital connection stayed silent. Not a single message, nor an update, only the existence of the account as a gentle reminder of the possibility I had dared to entertain. I found myself continuously checking the profile, drawn to it like a moth to a flame.

One day, while idly scrolling through my feed during lunch, I saw a notification pop up. A single message. From Nani. My heart pounded in my chest as I clicked to open it. "Long time, Ki," the message read. Simple. Direct. Her style.

My fingers hovered over the keyboard. What to say? 'Yes, it's been a long time.' 'Where have you been?' 'Is it really you?' A million thoughts ran through my mind, but I managed to type out a response. "It's been too long, Nani. How are you?"

As I waited for a response, emotions of thoughts engulfed me. Was I, once again, letting my past dictate my present? It wasn't like me to be so flustered, yet here I was, a ball of anxious energy, over a simple message on social media.

Finally, the response came, "I'm doing well, Ki. Just felt like reaching out." That was it, a simple reply. No explanations, no revelation of her whereabouts, just a confirmation of her existence.

A sigh of relief escaped me as I stared at the screen. Her brief response left me with more questions, but for now, it was enough. She was okay, or so she said.

"Good to hear, Nani," I replied, a small, uncharacteristic smile spreading across my face.

My heart skipped a beat as her next message appeared on the screen, "I will be visiting Seoul later this year. Would you like to meet up?"

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