As time passes

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Ki's POV

I stirred awake to an unusual stillness in the room. Nani wasn't beside me, and the absence of her warmth felt unsettling. Pulling on a shirt, I made my way downstairs, hearing muffled voices emanating from the kitchen.

As I entered, I saw Nani's aunt seated at the kitchen island, a cup of tea cradled in her hands. Her expression was contemplative. She looked up as I approached.

"Ki," she began, her voice heavy with concern, "Did Nani mention she was meeting anyone today?"

I halted in my tracks, surprise evident on my voice. "No," I replied.

Nani's aunt sighed. "I'm not sure, but she left early this morning. She seemed... like she was going to."

Before I could respond, the front door creaked open, signaling Nani's return. She stepped inside, her face unreadable but her eyes hinting at a storm of emotions.

Both Nani's aunt and I watched her, waiting for her to speak, to give us some indication of what happened.

Nani seemed to gather herself before looking at me. "Your father wanted to apologize, to make amends," she said softly, her gaze drifting to the floor.

I approached her, my emotions a mix of frustration and concern. "Nani," I began, reaching out to touch her arm, "you didn't have to face him alone."

She met my eyes, " I didn't mind it." She sighed as she swapped into her slippers.

" I said what I needed to say. That's all that matters."

I nodded slowly, trying to read the emotions dancing in her eyes. "And how did it go? Are you alright?"

"It was uncomfortable, confronting the past like that, but it was necessary." She looked up, a touch of defiance in her gaze. "I needed him to know how his actions affected us, affected me."

Her aunt moved closer, placing a reassuring hand on her back. "That took a lot of courage, dear."

A soft smile tugged at Nani's lips.
I felt a surge of admiration for her strength. Taking a step closer, I gently cupped her face.

"I'm proud of you," I whispered, my thumb brushing her cheek. "I wish I had been there with you, though."

She leaned into my touch, her eyes softening. "It's something I felt I had to do alone."

Nani's aunt cleared her throat, her gaze darting between us. "Why don't I leave you two to talk? I'll be in the garden if you need me." With that, she exited the room, leaving Nani and me in a comfortable silence.

I pulled Nani into an embrace, the weight of the morning's events settling around us. "Promise me something," I murmured into her hair.

She tilted her head up to meet my eyes, curiosity evident. "What is it?"

"Next time just tell me."

She smiled, the warmth of it reaching her eyes. "I promise."

Later that day, I found myself seated on the balcony, a mug of tea cradled in my hands. The tranquility was occasionally broken by the distant sounds of the city, but it allowed for introspection.

Nani stepped out, wrapping a shawl around her shoulders against the evening chill. She moved gracefully, settling beside me. Her presence, always comforting, seemed to fill the gaps in my thoughts.

"You've been out here for a while," she observed, her fingers lightly brushing mine.

I nodded. "Just sorting through everything, trying to find our way forward."

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