Who I was

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Author POV 2012

As the sun slowly rose in the sky, its golden hue painting a majestic backcloth across the horizon, the Ki household was beginning its day. Ki's mother, Mi-Ok scuttled around the kitchen, her clattering utensils ringing through the silent morning air.

The comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee & tea filled the home and seeped out into the stillness of the neighborhood.

Across from her, Ki's father sat at the head of the dining table, his deep-set eyes occasionally drifting towards Ki's closed bedroom door as if lost in thought.

He wore an expression of solemn contemplation; his silent vigil against the flurry of noises in the kitchen spoke more words than one could ever express.

Finally, after several moments of lingering silence, Nam placed his newspaper aside and voiced the concern that had been nagging at him. "Mi-Okah," he began, his tone laden with uncertainty, "What are we going to do about her?"

There was no need to mention a name; the unspoken 'Nani' lingered in the air between them, a silent ghost around which their conversation danced. Mi-Ok paused in her tasks, her spatula hovering in mid-air as she turned to face her husband.

Her brows furrowed in a mix of confusion and concern, "What has Nani ever done to you for you to dislike her so much?" she asked, her question piercing his comfort.

Nam exhaled, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. He wasn't good at expressing his feelings, but he had to try for Ki's sake. "She's a distraction to Ki," he admitted, his gaze firmly on his wife, "I had hopes for him and Jae-Hwa. I thought... they would make a good match. The two families... it makes sense."

" I like Nani a lot. Ki seems happier with her." another voice came in from the corner, taking a bite of seaweed off the plate.

" What do you know?" His father said to him. As he shooed away his son as he retreated back to his room after giving his mother a greeting.

Mi-Ok chuckled softly at her son before returning attention to her husband's almost archaic thoughts, shaking her head with a loving yet disapproving expression, "I'm sure Jae-Hwa is a fine young woman, but she's not for our Ki, Nam. Not every match that makes sense on paper translates into real life."

Before Nam could counter, the shrill trill of the telephone sliced through their conversation, forcing them to put the topic on hold.

The next morning came with the promise of a bright and beautiful day, its pleasant lure setting serene surroundings for the impending tête-à-tête.

Mi-Ok had extended an invitation to Nani for an afternoon tea, a gesture of diplomacy she hoped would help bridge the unspoken divide within the family.

With the chiming of the doorbell, Mi-Ok rushed to the entrance, pulling open the door to reveal Nani. Her warm smile was genuine as she beckoned Nani inside. "Nani, welcome. I'm glad you could make it," she greeted, ushering the younger woman into the living room.

At the sight of Nani, Nam's demeanor shifted subtly. His stern gaze met Nani's for a moment before he averted his eyes, picking up his jacket that was slung over the back of a chair. "I have an errand to run," he mumbled under his breath, evading both his wife's questioning glance and Nani's awkward greeting. With a final nod, he exited the house, leaving the two women alone.

Mi-Ok let out an apologetic sigh, her eyes softening as she gestured towards the cozy seating area. "Don't mind Nam, dear," she said, patting Nani's hand reassuringly. "He's a bit set in his ways."

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