To our new days

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2011 • Nani •

"Abena, get up! You're going to be late!" The shriek of Ha-na's voice jolted me out of my sleep, her words slicing through the peaceful silence of the morning. I opened one eye to see her tossing her uniform skirt at me, her long hair still tousled from sleep.

"You're not even out of bed yet!" I retorted, casting a groggy look at the digital clock on the bedside table. 6:30 AM it blinked back at me. Groaning, I swung my legs off the bed and stood, the cool floor sending a shiver up my spine. "Some alarm clock you are!" I huffed, scooping up the discarded skirt and rushing to the bathroom.

The week before, Aunt Eun-Hye had taken me to a local African hair braiding salon. She insisted on it, saying I needed a fresh look for my junior year. I had sat for hours while the stylists deftly plaited my hair into neat rows, their fingers moving in rhythm with the soft play of the radio as West African gospel music and its rhythms danced around the room. Now, all I had to do was secure my braids into a bun for school.

I glanced at myself in the mirror as I combed my fingers through my hair, securing it with a band. My reflection stared back at me, young and full of anticipation for the unknown adventures of junior year. I adjusted my glasses on my nose and took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself.

Back in my room, I slipped into the white uniform blouse, the starched fabric a bit stiff against my skin. The pleated skirt was next, the dark blue fabric falling just above my knees, a perfect contrast to the white blouse, afterwards I found myself taking the black blazer along with me, wrapping it around my waist. I straightened the red necktie, the school emblem gleaming at me, and my golden name tag on my right-hand side, sitting on my chest.

As I laced up my black loafers, I felt complete and looked forward to seeing his handsome face. Admittedly the reminder of seeing his smile and the peace it brought along with it washed over me. The upcoming year was a mystery waiting to be unraveled, with new experiences, friends, and lessons to learn, or whatever the self-help book said. Regardless it was expected. Little did I know, however, that this year would not only mark a shift in my academic life but would be a turning point in my personal life too.

"Are you ready?" Ha-na called from downstairs, her voice laced with excitement. I grabbed my bag, checked my appearance one last time in the mirror, and then left my room, closing the door behind me.

"Coming, Ha-na!" I yelled back, the thrill of the unknown making my heart flutter. The start of junior year.

" Don't eat and rush you're get indigestion!" Her aunt yelled while we are.

We couldn't help it that the time, I must admit. Ki's brother had just gotten his license and we were looking forward to arriving stylishly at school. Just as excited as Ha-na was. So was I.

Ha-na and I were halfway through our breakfast when the sound of a car horn echoed through the still morning air. I scooped up the last bite of my rice and seaweed, grabbed my bag, and rushed out of the house, Ha-na right on my heels.

As Ha-na and I made our way towards the familiar sleek black car waiting outside, my heart fluttered. Ki hadn't been with us this summer, having decided to spend some time back in Seoul, his presence reduced to phone calls that left me yearning for more. His brother, Seung-Heon, had been a constant companion for Ha-na and me, but it was Ki I was eagerly waiting to see.

However, as we slid into the plush leather seats of the backseat, my excitement stumbled, replaced by surprise. Nestled next to Ki in the back seat was a girl I had never seen before. She was beautiful, with flowing dark hair that fell over her shoulders, her skin pale and pristine against the crisp black uniform jacket she wore over a neatly buttoned white shirt.

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