A New Place:

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~Third person POV~

The man gently pulled aside the cloth over the window. He paused and looked out, hoping for some change. Even just a small one. No different. It was the same as it was every day, getting worse. He quickly slid the makeshift cover over the glass pane as someones bleeding ankles stumbled past. He could hear the screams of the infected crawling in the streets as death slowly took them. He rubbed the back of his neck and backed away from the window.

The room, though dark, was hot and humid. The stale air didn't move which made it almost unbearably sweltering. Only a pale beam of brown light fell from the one window, still intact. It probably wouldn't be for much longer. Some crazy would try and bust through soon enough.

"Daddy?" A small voice asked behind him. The man turned around to see his seven-year-old son and daughter approaching him. 

"Look what we found!" The young boy held up a picture frame. Inside was a faded picture of a beautiful woman. Her brown hair fell in waves to her shoulders. She smiled brightly with a twinkle in her brown eyes.

He took the frame from the boy and knelt down in front of the twins.

"That's momma isn't it?" The little girl asked innocently.

The man nodded, "Yes."

"Why'd she have to go?"

"Some things just happen. We don't always understand," He tried to smile but the brokenness he felt on the inside made it difficult.

"And baby sister is with her right? They're in heaven happy right?" The little boy questioned in concern.

The man put the picture frame on the shelf, "Yes Daniel. Your mom and baby sister are in heaven waiting for us." He pulled his children into his arms and hugged them close, "I'm going to look for food. You stay right here. Don't move."

They nodded.

When the man returned to the underground haven he dropped the sack of supplies he had gathered to the dust. The rusted front door of the old house was open. He ran inside, nearly tripping on a dead crank, and ran to the side room. The metal door to the basement was wide open. He dashed down the stairs, "Daniel? Zoe?" He called out into the darkness. The man's heart slammed in his chest as he searched for his kids. A piece of paper was on the crumbling table.

It read:

W.C.K.D is good.


    He slammed his fist on the hard wooden surface. He knew what he had to do. The man busied himself packing for his trip. He grabbed his knives, the little food that he found in an old factory outside of town, and some water. He rolled it all up in a blanket and tied it with rope to his backpack. Before he packed it and after gently fingering his wife's picture he said, "Don't worry. I'll find them."

He swore it to himself. 


10 years later...

I awoke to the sound of shouting. Lights flashed. My brain was foggy, my body ached, and I felt like throwing up. I could hear the thrum of a motor and the sound of voices calling out commands.

"Zoe?" Someone asked. I felt everything around me shake.

"We gotta go baby!"


"Get going!" A man yelled.

"Right here darling." Newt's eyes appeared.

I jolted out of my shock. He grabbed my hand and helped me out of the helicopter. My numb legs folded under me. Newt put his arm around me and dragged me with him towards the doors of the building. All around us men in uniforms with large weapons called to each other. Screams echoed in the darkness. Raw, and harrowing. Inhuman snarls filled the air. I tripped over a stone and fell into the sand. Newt knelt down for a moment, "Come on Zozo. We're almost there!" He helped me up.

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