The Great Escape:

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Thomas and I looked at each other in disbelief.

"Good evening Dr. Paige," Janson greeted her. "Lovely to see you again. Although I admit I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon."

"Change of plans Janson. I'll be arriving a little sooner than expected. First thing tomorrow."

"Oh well, we would be delighted to have you," He smiled. " I think you will be pleased with the progress we have made here."

I shivered. The man projected a chart on the screen.

Mr. Ratman talked while Dr. Paige looked at the chart, "Whatever it is you're doing to them in there. It's working."

"Not well enough," The doctor responded in disappointment. "I just received board approval. I want all the remaining subjects sedated and prepped for harvest by the time i arrive."

What the heck? Zoe! All I could think about was my sister.

"Dr. Paige, we are going as fast as we can. We are still running tests."

"Try something faster until I can guarantee their security. This is the best plan."

"M'am, security is my job. We are on 24 hour lockdown here. I am assuring you the assets are secure."

"Have you found the right arm?"

I turned my head to listen better.

"Not yet, We tracked them as far as the mountains-"

"So they're still out there?" She questioned. "They have already hit two of our installations. They want these kids as bad as we do! I cannot. I cannot afford another loss!"

Thomas and I made eye contact and nodded.

"Not when I am so close to a cure!"

            Cure? I didn't hear the rest of what they said. My heart was pounding in my ears. I had to get my family out of here and fast. The three of us waited until Janson and his partner was gone before running out, climbing into the vent, and rushing back to our dorm. 

                  Aris kicked the grate off and we clambered out from under the bed.

"Thomas?" Minho asked. Thomas grabbed a sheet and started tying the door closed.

"Danny what happened?" Zoe ran out of the bathroom with newt on her heels.

I couldn't even form words. I shook my head. My twin sister hugged me.

"We gotta go! Right now!" Thomas yelled.

"Go where?" Molly asked.

"We just gotta go," I replied. "It's her."

"We gotta go. They're coming for us!" Thomas kept saying as he barricaded the door.

"What happened?" Frypan asked Aris. Aris was frozen.

"Thomas what happened?" Newt demanded. "Talk to us!"

"She's still alive!" He replied. Tying another sheet.

"Who's she? Teresa?" 

"Ava!" He answered.

"Ava?" Zoe asked.

"Turn around and talk to us!" Minho grabbed Thomas.

"It's W.C.K.D! It's still wckd. It's always been WCKD!" He slammed the mattress against the door.

"Thomas," Newt put a hand on his shoulder. "What did you see?"

              One after the other we crawled into the vent. Aris led us through the labyrinth without a word. I could feel how thick the anxiety was. Zoe crawled behind me. I kept looking over my shoulder to check on her.

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