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Highly suggest listening to the music in the media section! Sets the mood :) 



I screamed when I saw a man stand from the pile of rags on the floor. He reached for me with rotting hands.

"MINHO!" I screeched as I ran towards my boyfriend. He pushed me behind him.

The man twitched and howled as he staggered towards us. The woman was still clawing at the fence behind us. 

More of the creatures emerged. Thomas knocked the man out with a piece of metal.

"WHAT THE SHANK ARE THOSE THINGS?" Minho asked as the man flopped around on the floor. More screeches and wails echoed around us.

"Go!" Thomas shoved us back towards the doors. Minho grabbed my hand and dragged me with him. We shut the door just as two crazies tossed themselves at it.

"Hold it!" Minho yelled as me and Thomas pushed the doors closed. He slid a metal cabinet in front of them with a shout. The case fell over in front of the door. We ran down the hall. More shapes came out of the corners.

"Oh crud," I breathed.

"Go go go!" Minho yelled as we ran through the building. I tripped on a piece of wood and fell. Minho grabbed my belt, lifted me, and carried me with him. I ran behind him as we wove our way through the debris. The wails of the monsters filled my ears. Harrowing and chilling to the core. The three of us ran up the escalators. A crank came out from under them and grabbed my arm. I grabbed a piece of glass and slammed it into her skin with a squeal. Minho pulled me out of the cranks grasp.

"RUN!" I screamed as we rounded the corner. I could see our friends ahead.

"GO!" Minho yelled after me.

Thomas let out a panicked scream.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" Minho yelled and shoved me forward. 

Zoe and the others just stood there. I heard the footfalls of cranks behind us.

"GO GO GO!" I screeched. Zoe and the others started running.

We all ran up more escalators.

"What the hank are those things?" Daniel asked as we made our way forward.

"I don't know just keep going!" Thomas replied.

"Cranks!" Zoe yelled back. A crank came towards us. Aris ran forward and knocked it out with a bat. We dodge the body and ran onward. On the next set of stairs we were punched on by four. I knocked one off the railing. It fell to the floors below with a squeal. Thomas kicked the other one off as Teresa knocked out the third.

"WE GOTTA FIND A WAY OUT OF HERE!" Frypan yelled as we dashed down another hall.

A crank burst from a window and tackled Newt. Horrid black worms were hanging out of the cranks mouth.

"GET OFF MY HUSBAND!" Zoe yelled.

Thomas kicked the crank over the edge. He helped Newt to his feet, "You okay?"

"Thanks Tommy!" Newt said gratefully and ran back to his wife. An an entire army of these filths were chasing us now. My feet pounded the floor as I ran with everything I had in me. It felt familiar, good even, racing the wind. Just as it did in the maze.

Our gang ran into a narrow passageway.

"Where are we going?" Teresa asked.

"Just run!" Daniel replied. Thomas tried a door but it wouldn't open so we kept going. The cranks were getting closer. The boys slammed against a set of metal doors.

"Come on!" Daniel yelled as He kicked it. Zoe was panicking beside me. I noticed her hands on her stomach. The boys busted through the doors.

"I'll hold them off," Winston started shooting the cranks. We all rushed through. Winston slid in the gap between the door and the frame but was dragged back.

"HELP!" I screamed as I grabbed his arms. Thomas, Newt, and Frypan tried to drag Winston out. The crank clawed at Winston's stomach, shredding his skin. Winston yelled in pain. We finally pulled him to our side and ran. Minho and Thomas came behind us. Frypan and Daniel carried Winston between them as we rushed. Zoe and Newt ducked under a collapsed wall. We all huddled under it. Minho crawled over and covered my body with his own. He kept his hand over my mouth as I sobbed silently. His eyes stared into mine as he blocked my view from what was going on around me, "You're okay."

I felt warm tears leaking from my eyes as I listened to the groans and howls around us.


             I awoke to the sound of Tommy's voice. He scared off some birds that were picking at our stuff. Zoe was curled up next to me with her face pressed to my chest. I pulled her closer to me and smiled. She always looked adorable when she slept. I slid my hand under her shirt and gently rubbed her stomach, "Hey kiddo. Everything is going to be okay now. Your dads gonna make sure of that." I pressed my lips to my wife's middle before I sat up, "Are they gone?"

"Yeah, we're safe for now. We should get moving," Thomas replied.

"I'm up," Daniel groaned as he stood. Zoe's eyes opened, "Me too." She sat up next to me and leaned on my shoulder, still half asleep.

I chuckled and pulled her sweater around her bare shoulders.

"Let's pack it up," Thomas grabbed his stuff. "Aris, Fry, Winston, Molly let's go."

My wife's best friend pulled her hair up in a ponytail. Minho passed her a jacket.   My gaze was pulled to my friend when he tried to sit up. Winston groaned in pain.

"Hey man. You okay?" Frypan held out his hand to Winston. Winston pulled himself up.

Zoe stood up and stretched. She rested one hand on her stomach which has expanded slightly even since yesterday. I smiled and kissed her, "You look adorable."

Daniel passed us cups of water. The water didn't taste great but the coolness running down my dry throat made up for it. 


Super short I know but I needed to split it up a bit :)

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