The Night Of Terror:

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I finally finished reading The Death Cure. My heart has never hurt so bad reading a book. 


Also normally I would start drafts for our next fic about now however, I am writing this at 2:56 on a tuesday afternoon and have no clue what the end of this chapter is going to look like. 

Idk what to do for the next part lol-



              The next day Frypan, Minho, Molly, Zoe, and myself were all sitting on a rock uphill from the camp. People were wandering about packing. They'd stayed an extra day to give us time to rest.

"Hey you," Zoe smiled as Thomas walked up.

"Hey," He said.

"I wish Alby could have seen all this," I said.

"And Winston," Zoe smiled sadly, rubbing her stomach lightly.

"And Chuck," Thomas was holding the little carving Chuck had given him.

"He'd be proud of you, you know Tommy," I encouraged my friend.


"Hey Aris!" Frypan called as I spotted our new friend sitting with the two girls. 

"Hey guys!" He waved.

"I kind of like that kid," He smiled.

Minho looked over towards Aris, "Yeah, I still don't trust him though."

I blew warm air into my hands and rubbed them together.

"It must be winter," Zoe said, looking up at the gray sky. The sun was just beginning to set.

"You cold?" I asked and pulled her close to me. She kissed my cheek and snuggled into my arms.

"Hey where's Teresa?" Thomas asked.

"She went up there," I motioned to the cliff behind us.

"Should one of us go check on her?" Molly suggested.

"Yeah, I'll go," Thomas volunteered. He stood up, looked at the rest of us, and walked off towards the slope.

"It's so quiet," Zoe whispered.

"Yeah well 8 months from now it ain't gonna be," My brother-in-law teased.

"And I'll be glad," Zoe smiled up at me. "I am anxious to get this little one out of me."

I laughed and rubbed her stomach, "Aw but You're adorable when you're pregnant."

"Wait another few weeks. I'm not going to be so adorable."

"Hey come on-" I was cut off by the sound of an engine.

"Yo what the shuck?" Daniel stood up. He scanned the sky with his eyes. "EVERYONE GET DOWN!"

               An explosion of fire hit the earth in front of us. I pulled Zoe down and threw myself on top of her. Screams of terror echoed around us as more and more bombs went off.

"IT'S WCKD!" Molly screamed a few feet away. Soldiers in black armour scrambled out of the chopper.

I pulled Zoe to her feet and ran after the others. Behind us a wave of fire erupted as one of the shelters exploded.

"Where's Thomas?" Minho asked as we all scrambled behind some old barrels.

"There!" Molly yelled. She was pointing at an old truck. Vince was on the back of it with a large gun.

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