The Desolate Place:

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We climbed up the crumbled walls towards the sunlight. Thomas led. Daniel, Zoe, and I brought up the rear.

"What in the," Zoe whispered beside me as we all gathered behind Thomas. A city lay before us. Or what used to be a city. The tall buildings were burned. The glass was shattered in the windows. Debris covered everything in sight.

We all walked behind Thomas as he made his way over the sandy ground.

Zoe grabbed my arm and walked close to me. I held her hand and smiled back at her.

"What happened to this place?" Frypan asked as he looked around.

"I don't know," I looked up a crumbling skyscraper. "Doesn't look like anyone's been here for a long time."

"Hope the whole world's not like this," Aris said.

We walked past a vehicle that had obviously been burned.

Thomas stoped, "Hey woah hang on stop." He was listening. "You hear that?"

Zoe turned her head. A low rumble echoed faintly.

"GET DOWN EVERYBODY HIDE!" Thomas yelled. We all ran and crawled under a piece of wall supported like a table. A large aircraft flew overhead followed by two smaller ones.

"They're never going to stop looking for us," Minho said.

                Zoe leaned against a rock with her hands pressed to her stomach, "Newt."

"What is it?" I asked and crawled over to her.

Zoe nearly fell over. I caught her in my arms, "Daniel!"

Daniel rushed to Zoe's side, "Zo?"

Zoe looked pale. I brushed some sand off her cheek, "Hey. Talk to me love. What's happening?"

"She's probably starving," Molly said. "She's supposed to be eating for two. We're not even eating for one."

She was right. Zoe's body was working harder than the rest of ours. I noticed how thin she had gotten. Zoe sat up, "I'm fine. We need to move on."

"You're not fine Zoe!" I said. "None of this is fine!"

"Okay well, we can't exactly do anything about it right now," She said back.

"Oohk," Frypan breathed. "We'll let you guys work out your issues."

"Sorry," I frowned. "I didn't mean to yell at you. This is not your fault."

"It's okay," Zoe replied.

Daniel gave Zoe some more water and within a few minutes she felt well enough to continue.

             We walked the rest of that day only taking breaks when Zoe or Winston needed one. With two of our group members doing poorly we were a lot slower than we wanted to be but we were sticking together. That night we camped out in the lower room of a build near the edge of the city. We spread our coats and jackets out. Frypan had found a box of matches in the building with the cranks. I found a couple pieces of dry wood near the back of the building we were in now. I stacked them, shoved a scrap of cloth underneath, and started a small fire.

Zoe was asleep when I laid down next to her.

She moaned in her sleep as I pulled her closer to me. Zoe wrapped her arms around my neck. I buried my face in her chest and sighed.

"I love you," She whispered as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"I love you too," I responded. I kissed her shoulder. My hand rested against her stomach, "How are you feeling?"

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