The End:

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My eyes wandered over the smoldering mess that was our camp.

Newt sat on a crate next to me, still as stone. He was hardly breathing properly.

"Hey," I said and put a hand on his shoulder. "We'll find her. Together. I promise."

Thomas was packing supplies into a backpack when Newt finally spoke.

"If W.C.K.D finds out the baby is immune they'll take it away from us."

"They might," Ridge replied.

"They won't," I said and shoved a box of ammo in my own bag.

"It's our child not theirs! We're the ones that love it. Bloody, we're the ones that created it. It's my baby not theirs!"

"Hey man," Thomas tried to calm Newt down. "They're not going to take your kid from you. Minho's there. He'll keep Zoe safe until we break all of them out."

"I'm sorry. I just, I'm scared," Newt admitted.

"We all are," Dad replied again. "We're going to get them out okay? If it's the last thing I do I'm getting Zoe back. I promised her mother."

Newt picked up a helmet and put it on a crate.

"What do we do now?" frypan asked.

"We pick up what's left of us. Stick to the plan and get you kids to the safe haven," Came Vince's answer. After a few moments of silence he said, "We start over I guess."

"Newt, Daniel, and I," Ridge started. "We're going after Zoe and the rest." He motioned to me and my brother-in-law with the knife he was holding.

Thomas strapped his bag on, "I'm not going with you."

"What?" Vince asked.

"I made a promise to Minho, and the rest. I wouldn't leave them behind. I have to go after 'em."

I grabbed my backpack and a machete and stood next to him, "I'm going with him."

"Hey kid look around you. WCKD just kicked our butt.You think about where you're headed."

"I am not asking anyone to come with me."

Newt stood up, "If there is any way we can get them out of there. Trust me, I will be there standing next to you."

"Sounds like suicide," Jorge walked over.

"Maybe. But I know what I am supposed to do now. It's not just about Zoe, and Minho, and Molly. It's about all of us," He replied.

"We're with you mate," Newt said as he and Dad walked over. 

"It's everyone that WCKD has ever taken. And Everyone they will take. It'll never stop. They will never stop so I am going to stop them."

"We're family. And you don't leave family behind," I stared Vince in the eyes.

"I am going to kill Ava Paige," Thomas announced.

"I have to admit. I would like some revenge," Harriet added.

Vince shook his head, "Well it's a good speech kid. So what's your plan?"


We all stared at each other and smiled. The plan was chosen, a path was set.

I stared up at the sky. I saw zoe in my mind.

"I'm coming sweetheart."

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