Into The Scorch:

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We ran out of the compound into the swirling sandstorm. Newt held my hand as we all climbed the dunes. Behind us I could hear the rumble of motors and voices shouting to each other. The sand made my eyes sting. Breathing was difficult. I looked over my shoulder to see pairs of headlights slowly creeping over the ground. We were being hunted. Thomas slid down a sand bank. I slid down after him with Minho collapsing to my right. Newt collapsed in the sand beside me, resting his hand on my stomach briefly.

"Stay low!" Thomas said as we slipped further down the bank.

Teresa ran ahead of us.

"Teresa hang on! Stay together!" Thomas called out.

"I think we lost them!" Minho shouted over the wind. Up ahead I saw a structure.

"Hey look," Daniel said behind me.

"Where are you even going?" Thomas asked Teresa as she felt along the windows. She went inside through a shattered pane, "Come on!"

"Wait Teresa!"

"Don't go in there!" Someone yelled.

"Get down here!" She yelled back.

Newt grabbed my hand and pulled me inside with him.

We found ourselves inside a huge building. It was obviously abandoned. Broken glass, metal, and brick littered the floor. Sand covered just about everything. I coughed all the dust out of my lungs and sucked in as much of the cool air as I could. Minho fished a flashlight out of his pack. Daniel had one too. The two of them shone the lights around. As far as we could see we were alone.

"Where the heck are we?" Minho asked. Molly grabbed his hand and stepped close to him.

"We gotta go," Was all Thomas said.

"No," Teresa replied.

"We gotta-"

"Thomas stop! Tell me what's going on!"

He walked back towards us, "It's WCKD. They lied to us we never escaped. Me, Daniel, and Aris. We found bodies."
"Too many to count," My twin added.

"Dead bodies?" Minho asked.

"No but they weren't alive either. They had 'em strung up," He motioned with his hand. "Tubes coming out of them. They were being drained. There's something inside of us that WCKD wants.

Something in our blood. That's why we need to get as far away from them as possible."

Newt nodded, "Okay. So what's the plan?"

Thomas shook his head, not saying anything.

"You do have a plan right?"

"Well yeah."

"We followed you out here Thomas and you're saying that you have no idea what we're doing or where we are going?!"

Aris spoke up, "Wait. Janson said something about people in the mountains. Some form of resistance or army."

I felt a slight stab of pain in my neck, "Newt." I whispered.

"The right arm," Thomas said. "If they're really against WCKD maybe they can help us."

I felt a slight bump in my skin forming some kind of design.

"People. In the mountains? Mountain people?" Newt said in disbelief. "That's your plan?"

"It's the only chance we have."

                 Daniel noticed my hand on the back of my neck. He shone his light on it, "Hey what."

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