The Right Arm:

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Bertha was not a person but a car. A very old, rusted out, car with horns on the front. Marcus gave Jorge a key to a shed out back of his building. When Minho and Jorge opened the door my brother said, "You're joking."

"Well it'll do the job," Frypan said. And so our journey began. We all piled into the vehicle and ducked low as Jorge drove out of the city. I was sitting on the seat between Newt and Molly. Daniel sat on the floor facing us, "Well, this is fun."

I laughed, "Yeah I guess. We're like a bunch of desperados." I rested my hand against my stomach which was starting to swell slightly.

"Are you okay darling?" Newt looked down at my hand.

"I'm fine," I kissed him.

"Imagine all the stories we're going to be able to tell that little one," Molly said. "How we fought robotic arachnids, ran from WCKD and zombies in an old mall."

"Yeah if you wanna give your kid nightmares," Aris said.

I said nothing and leaned against Newt. My eyes watched as the sandy hills and shrubbery flashed by the car as we drove along. Thomas asked, "Do you think these people will help us?"

"I don't know hermano. The right arm are very cautious about who they let into their ranks. But, seeing as you guys are immune and against WCKD I don't see what reason they have to turn us away," Jorge replied as he steered around a fallen boulder on the road. Our scenery had changed from sand and rocks to red soldier caverns.

I felt a cramp in my stomach. The pain was so sharp it took my breath away. "Oh," I groaned and wrapped my arms around my middle, leaning on my knees. "Oh Newt."

Newt and Daniel both moved closer to me.

"What is it?" Newt asked. "What's happening?"

I leaned back against the cars seat and breathed, "It hurts."

Daniel was staring at my stomach, "Is the baby coming?"

"It's not time yet," Newt said rather panicked. By now everyone's attention was on me.

"What's going on?" Frypan asked from the front seat. 

Another cramp tore through me. Tears dripped down my cheeks as I breathed through it.

"Is she bleeding?" Brenda asked.

"No," I replied.

"It could be preterm labor," She suggested. "I've seen it before."

Newt held my hand, "Breathe zo."

I nodded and pushed back against the seat, "Something is wrong."

My twin's eyes were wide with fear.

"Something is really, really wrong."

"Is she okay?" Jorge asked.

"How much further?" Aris asked.

"Just a few kilometers. We may have to continue on foot though," our driver answered.

"Can you make it?" Daniel asked.

I nodded, "I'll be fine."

Newt pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his long arms around me, "You're going to be okay."

I could hear his voice cracking.

My eyes opened when the car stopped. I sat up and sighed, no cramps.

"How are you?" newt asked. "You passed out."

"I feel fine," I said, as a cool breeze filled the car. "I'm okay."

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