Another Great Escape:

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"Well this is fun," I said as the numb feeling crept slowly from my ankles to my knees. "I love hanging out with you guys. Especially over a hole of darkness where we can't see the bottom, could be our new pad."

"Would you shut up," Molly groaned a few feet away.

"Sorry," I replied.

Aris grumbled something on the other side of me.

"Good plan thomas," Minho stated. "Just hear what the man has to say. Really working out for us."

"It's not Thomas's fault," My sister replied from the other side of the circle. I heard her sob quietly. Newt reached out for her. I stared up at the mechanism we were hanging from. Just a bunch of cords attached to an anchor in the ceiling. These people clearly made a practice of hanging their prisoners out to dry. I wiggled my body so I spun around to face her. My ankles burned where the rope cut into them. I could see drips of blood running down my leg where my jeans had rolled up.

"Oh shut up Minho," Our leader said quietly. "Maybe I can reach the rope." He tried to grab the cord. I did the same. My muscles stung. I breathed through my teeth and surrendered to my hanging position.

                   "Enjoying the view?" Jorge emerged from the shadows.

"The heck do you want?" Thomas asked.

"That is the question," He motioned with his hand. "My men want to sell you back to W.C.K.D. Life has taught them to think small. I'm not like that. Something tells me you're not like that either."

"Is the blood rushing to my head? Or is this shank not making any sense?" Minho said fuzzily.

Jorge pointed at Thomas with the rod in his hand, "Tell me what you know about the right arm."

"You said they were Ghosts," My brother-in-law answered.

"I happen to believe in Ghosts," The man replied matter-of-factly. "Especially when I hear them chattering on the airwaves."

"So they're real," My twin sister said, more to herself. Jorge walked over and put his hand on a lever. Uh oh.

"You tell me what you know. And then maybe we can make a deal."

I looked over at zoe was almost limp. "Come on Thomas," I whispered.

"We don't know much," Thomas said. Jorge pressed the lever. We all jolted down a few feet.

"Just tell him!" I yelled.

"Okay okay alright. They're hiding in the mountains. They attacked WCKD and got out a bunch of kids. That's it," Thomas explained.

"Hey Jorge," A man walked up. "What's going on?"

"Me and my new friends were just getting acquainted," He replied.

"Yeah hermanos," I said. My head was throbbing.

"We're done now."

"Hey wait wha- You're not gonna help us?" Thomas asked in panic.

"Don't worry Hermano. We'll get you back to where you belong," Jorge walked away. "Hang tight."

"I'll hang him," I whispered.

"Okay I have an idea," Molly said. "Thomas, try and pushed Teresa over to Minho."

"What?" Teresa asked.

"Just trust me," Molly said.

"Fine," Teresa agreed.

"Okay then Minho tries to swing teresa forward to grab the lever. Maybe we can lower ourselves down there," She looked up, or rather down, at the hole below us.

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