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Mr. Hermanos was right. It was a long hard trek. We walked for about two hours in the blazing sun. I pulled the hood on my sweater up to keep from burning too badly. Sand filled my shoes and crunched between my toes. My ginger hair was tangled and grimy from the days of sweating. Tears of exhaustion leaked from my red eyes. For the last five days we'd had barely any food, next to no water, and maybe a half-nights sleep.

Minho and I sat against an old car on the warm sand. His head rested in my lap. My fingers worked through his thick hair.

"Have I ever told you how pretty you are?"

He smiled up at me.

"Thanks," I kissed his nose. He reached up and brushed some sand from my cheek, "I mean it."

"You're sweet."

"How much longer?" Newt asked as he walked up to Jorge. Jorge was standing on a metal box sticking out of the sand.

"We'll get there soon," He assured Newt. "How's your wife?"

I noticed my best friend curled up on her coat with Daniel looking nervous.

"She's fine," Newt replied. 

"I can imagine in her condition this is not easy," Jorge added.

"Yeah well, hanging upside down for a couple hours isn't exactly the most comforting thing ever."

"Listen man, I did what I had to do then."

Newt walked back to Zoe. His prior anger changed to a warm glow the minute he sat next to her.

Minho pulled me down next to him, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Love you more."

"No way."

"Yes way."

              When I awoke sometime later the sun was covered in a cloak of gray cloud. The soft patter of rain drops filled my ear. I rolled over and welcomed the cool drips of water falling gently on my face.

"About another hour. Then we'll be there," Jorge said as we all got ourselves up. 

"When we do get to the city I want you guys to let me do the talking. These people are, uh, to put it lightly, wasted."

"Wasted?" Daniel asked.

"Turning. You know, infected. They're cranks."

"You're dragging us to a crank pit?" Newt asked.

"Not really, more like the half-way."

               We followed Jorge over the sand. We stopped on a sandbank. In front of us was a city. Or rather, what used to be a city. Ruined buildings loomed up out of the pale earth. Shacks and huts made out of various types of materials filled the alleys. I could see the shapes of people walking about.

"Stay close to me," Minho grabbed my hand. I nodded and held his wrist with my other hand, "I promise."

"Come on. The sooner we get through here and gone the better," Jorge said. Teresa beckoned for me to go ahead of her as we descended the slope.

"Woah," Zoe breathed beside me.

"Woah indeed," I replied as we walked past vehicles, motorbikes, and other wrecks buried in sand.

"Is the whole earth like this?" Daniel asked.

Jorge shrugged, "I couldn't tell ya hermano."

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