A Promise Kept:

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Mary led us into a small curtained off corner of the large tent. Another woman was waiting there. She was a tall, thin woman with soft green eyes and black hair pulled up in a tight bun.

"Zoe this is Shannon," Mary smiled. "She's going to help you alright? I need to check on Brenda but I'll come back in a little bit."

Shannon patted the bed, "Have a seat."

Newt stood in the doorway.

"He's welcome to stay," She looked over at him. My husband sat down beside me.

"How far along are you?" Shannon asked as she pulled a bottle out of a full box.

"About two maybe three months," I replied. Newt held my shaking hand.

"Okay," She said. "It's been a rough go of it?"


"Well," She said as she sat down in front of me. "Hopefully from now on we make things a little easier. When did you start cramping up?"

"This morning," I said. "When we were in the car on the way here."

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Maybe four days ago," I said.

"Okay. Well, seeing as you're not bleeding and you appear to be mentally conscious I think it's nothing that food and plenty of rest won't fix," She said as she pulled some thin rubber gloves on. "Do you mind if I?"

I pulled my shirt off and let her run her hands over my stomach. She obviously knew Newt was nervous because she looked up at him and said, "Don't worry. I'll be gentle with her."

He only smiled and stared at my stomach.

Shannon led us into another section of the large tent building. It had a bed and a chair and table.

"I want you to get some rest. I'm going to go see what the kitchen can come up with for you."

Newt and I waited until she was gone before we crashed on the bed.

He pulled me into his arms and sighed, "We did it."

"We did it," I smiled and snuggled into him. I ran my fingers through his soft hair.

"Now we just need to figure out what we're doing. I'll work it out. For now I just want you to focus on you and our little one."

Shannon came back with a pole with two bags of clear substances, "Newt, if you want the rest of your friends are on the other side with Vince. There's food prepared and some other things. I'll take care of Zoe."

"Oh I don't want-"

"Newt," I nudged him. "Go. You need to take care of yourself for once. I'll be fine."

Newt kissed my cheek, "I'm coming right back."

Shannon drew the curtain door closed behind him.

"I thought I would help you clean up a bit and then I'll get you hooked up to the slurpy here."


She chuckled, "That's what I call it. Makes it sound more enjoyable. This here is just some fluids with salts and sugars to bring your vitals up. Nothing scary I promise."

"Okay," I said. Shannon helped me bathe in a tub of cool water. Finally being able to scrub all the sand and grime from the scorch off of my body felt wonderful. After that she gave me new, clean clothes. A pair of black leggings, a gray t-shirt, new undergarments, and socks. She let me keep my hoodie but insisted she have someone wash it for me. So I let her. I settled back on the bed so Shannon could inject the needle of the IV into my veins. After that she brought me a plate with meat and potatoes on it which I inhaled before falling asleep.

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