Hermanos? :

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We spent another day wandering through the wasteland. The scorch, as ratman had called it, was as horrible as it sounded. No water, no shade, no wind. The air didn't move. It just smothered us. The sun beating down mercilessly didn't help either. The night times in the scorch were a welcome change in temperature for an hour or so. The coolness quickly turned to freezing cold.

We didn't light a fire that night. Instead we all said nothing and curled up on our jackets on the soft sand. Newt and I laid next to each other and stared up at the stars.

"Do you remember how we met?" I asked. "I wish I remembered."

"I remember when you were tossed out of the box. You were and still are the prettiest thing I'd ever seen," He rolled onto his side and smiled.

"You're cute."

"I'm not kidding," Newt stroked the side of my face. "Always will be."

"Yeah well, I thought you were pretty hot," I giggled softly.

"Oh really," He cocked an eyebrow. Newt kissed me, "Even for a guy with a limp?"

"Oh yeah," I chuckled and traced a line on his chest where his shirt collar hung loose.

                 I awoke sometime in the night to a rough sound of Thomas's voice.

"Get up!" He said. He nudged Newt who was lying next to me. "Come get up! Frypan, Aris. I see something!"

Sure enough in the distance I could spot the glow of lights.

"What is that?" My brother asked, coughing.

"It's lights," Thomas replied excitedly.

I pulled my sweater tighter around myself, "The right arm?"

"It could be WCKD," Molly suggested.

"We made it," My husband said in disbelief. A roar of thunder sounded behind us.

"Oh shucks," Daniel said. Dark clouds were coming towards us. A zigzag of blue-white electricity struck the ground.

"We gotta go!" Thomas ushered us.

"Hurry," Molly said as she threw her boyfriend his bag.

             We dashed across the sand towards the lights. My ears were filled with the sound of the lightning storm coming up behind us.

"One foot in front of the other," I repeated in my mind. The lights were getting closer.

"Come on! Run,"Teresa yelled over the storm.

"Keep moving!" Shouted Thomas. A loud crack of lightning snapped behind us.

I looked up at the clouds above me, the blue light began to swirl.

"Zoe!" Danny yelled and shoved me. I fell to the ground as a blue sparked beside me.  

"Danny!" I screamed. My brother was lying on the ground completely still.

Newt and Frypan lifted my twin up.

Daniel jerked to life again, "Woah that was freaky."

"Oh thank heavens," I sobbed and wrapped my arms around him.

He rubbed my back, "It's okay sis. I'm okay."

"You saved my life," I said as I wiped away a tear.

"I'm your brother. That's what I'm supposed to do," He shrugged.

The Light: Newt x OCWhere stories live. Discover now