Safe From W.C.K.D:

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Watching the Scorch trials while writing this! :) The cranks still kind of scare me lol.



The door opened.

"Hey guys!" I whispered sharply. Everyone around me groaned and sat up.

Minho and Molly stood beside Newt and I. A man with silver hair, pale skin, and cold eyes stood in the doorway. His nose was narrow and pointed slightly. He reminded me of a rat chuck caught back in the glade.

"You kids doing alright?" He asked with a quick smile. "Sorry about all the fuss. We had ourselves a bit of a swarm."

"Who are you?" Thomas asked.

"I'm the reason you are all still alive. It's my intention to keep you that way."

"Where are we?" I asked. "And what is going on?"

The silver-haired man's gaze shifted to me, "I'm aware you all have a lot of questions. You will get your answers in time. Come with me. Let's get you kids squared away."

We followed the man through the compound. He spoke as we walked.

"You can call me Mr. Janson. I run this place," He pointed at the place around us. "For us it is a sanctuary. Safe from the horrors of the outside world. You all should think of it as a way station."

My twin leaned over and whispered, "Honestly the maze was prettier than this."

"Kind of a home between homes," Janson said as he led us around a corner. "Watch yourselves."

A cluster of sparks fell from above. I sidestepped to avoid them.

"That means you're taking us home?" Thomas asked.

A spark of hope kindled inside me.

"A home of sorts. Sadly there wouldn't be much left of wherever you came from. But we do have a place for you. A refuge outside the scorch where W.C.K.D will never find you again. How does that sound?"

We all looked at each other before Minho quizzed, "Why are you helping us?"

Mr. Janson replied, "The world out there is in a rather precarious situation. We are all hanging on by a very thin thread. The fact that you kids can survive the flare virus makes you the best chance of humanities survival."

I did not like the sound of that last part. I saw a large door ahead.

"Unfortunately, it also makes you a target. As no doubt by now you've noticed."

"Some of us spent three years trapped in a maze by some psychos," Molly spoke up. "Think we noticed."

Janson cocked an eyebrow. He pulled a card out of his pants pocket, "Beyond this door lies the beginning of your new life." Janson slipped the card through a scanner on the side. A green light blinked on with a beeping noise. The door opened to reveal a very long hallway. Daniel and I looked at each other as if trying to figure out if this was legit or not.

"First things first. Let's do something about that smell."

           Janson led us down the hall to another door. On the other side a room where a couple people in medical scrubs. Two doors were in one wall near the back. The people took our backpacks we had with us still from the maze. They tossed them into a bin.

"What are you doing? Daniel asked when a man took his.

"You won't need these anymore," The guy smiled.

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